Extractions: [Federal Register: November 5, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 214)] [Notices] [Page 60430] From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID:fr05no99-49] ======================================================================= - DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st Century; Meeting AGENCY: National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st Century, Department of Education. ACTION: Notice of meeting. - SUMMARY: This notice sets forth the schedule and proposed agenda of a forthcoming meeting of the National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st Century (Commission). This notice also describes the functions of the Commission. Notice of this meeting is required under Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act and is intended to notify the general public of their opportunity to attend. DATE AND TIME: Monday, November 29, 1999, from 3:30 to approximately 6:30 p.m. and Tuesday, November 30 from 8:30 a.m. to adjournment at approximately 4:30 p.m. ADDRESS: The Washington Hilton and Towers, International Ballroom East, 1919 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20009, telephone: (202) 483-3000, fax: (202) 232-0438. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Linda P. Rosen, Executive Director, The National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st Century, US Department of Education, Room 6W252, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202, telephone: (202) 260-8229, fax: (202) 260-7216. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st Century was established by the Secretary of Education and is governed by the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) (P.L. 92-463, as amended; 5 U.S.C.A. Appendix 2). The Commission was established to address the pressing need to significantly raise student achievement in mathematics and science by focusing on the quality of mathematics and science instruction in K-12 classrooms nationwide. The Commission will develop a set of recommendations with a corresponding, multifaceted action strategy to improve the quality of teaching in mathematics and science. The meeting of the Commission is open to the public. The proposed agenda will focus on (1) What is known about effective teaching that leads to high levels of mathematical and scientific understanding among all students, and (2) What it takes to enable teachers to teach in this way. The proposed agenda will include both plenary sessions and presentations. Space may be limited and you are encouraged to register if you plan to attend. You may register through the Internet at AmericaCounts@ed.gov or JamilaRattler@ed.gov. Please include your name, title, affiliation, complete address (including e-mail, if available), telephone and fax numbers. If you are unable to register through the Internet, you may fax your registration information to The National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st Century at (202) 260-7216 or mail to The National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st Century, US Department of Education, Room 6W252, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202. The registration deadline is November 22, 1999. Any individual who will need accommodations for a disability in order to attend the meeting (i.e., interpreting services, assistive listening devices, materials in alternative format) should notify Jamila Rattler at (202) 260-8229 by no later than November 17, 1999. We will attempt to meet requests after this date, but cannot guarantee availability of the requested accommodation. The meeting site is accessible to individuals with disabilities. Records will be kept of all Commission proceedings, and will be available for public inspection at The National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st Century, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Room 6W252 from the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays, except Federal holidays. Dated: October 27, 1999. Marshall S. Smith, Acting Deputy Secretary. [FR Doc. 99-28839 Filed 11-4-99; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4000-01-M
United Streaming News Use Rainbow Educational Media s new Our federal Government series to teach your students holidays Events The unitedstreaming Calendar (found under http://www.wlvt.org/EDUCATION/FEBRUARYUntdStrm.htm
Reduce Waste For The Holidays whip up a gourmet meal or teach someone the on contributions will be exempt from federal and state offers up ideas to Simplify the holidays , with suggestions http://www.moea.state.mn.us/campaign/holiday/
Extractions: The "holiday season" has begun. Time to share with family and friends often becomes lots of time shopping, parties and gatherings, food preparationand stress. Are you feeling "holidazed"? Do you find yourself wondering how the season passes by so quickly? This year, instead of the hustle and bustle of the mall, maybe it's time for a new traditiona no-waste holiday season. 1 million tons a week to the nation's garbage piles. And it's not just trash. The average American spends $800 on gifts over the holiday season. Think about your time and energy spent driving all around town looking at so much stuff. It's no wonder that so many people get stressed out during the holidays! A recent poll showed that people want to have more personal fulfillment and a less-stressful holiday season. Sometimes the most treasured gifts we can give are our time, love and energy. In the spirit of giving, we've gathered some holiday gift ideas that create less waste and more memories. Giving your time and/or money to worthy causes not only helps your community but gives you a sense of contribution and involvement that is hard to quantify.
University Of St. Thomas - Cameron School Of Business to variation based upon University and federal holidays and other can counsel students on federal and local School of Business faculty teach graduate students http://www.stthom.edu/bschool/weekendmba.html
Extractions: The University of St. Thomas Saturday MBA (SMBA) is the same high quality, professional program that has been offered to evening students since 1980. The SMBA provides a scheduling option that allows working professionals to earn the distinguished MBA in two years by attending only on Saturdays. The advantages of the SMBA are many: Students attend Saturday classes refreshed and prepared.
Religion And Public Schools federal courts have split over the legality of some religious activities in Although public schools may teach about religious holidays, including their http://pewforum.org/religion-schools/
Extractions: On October 14, 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court announced that it would hear the case on the constitutionality of the phrase "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance when it is recited in public schools. In February 2003, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that the recitation of the Pledge with the words "under God" in public schools violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Read more Issues involving public schools and religion are perennial topics of heated debate. In recent years, all three branches of the federal government, as well as many state and local governments, have attempted to clarify the appropriate interplay between religion and public schools. And with good reason. This area of constitutional law is a delicate one in which there is a need to distinguish between government-sponsored religious expression that is prohibited and individual religious expression that is protected.
Religion In The Public Schools. A Joint Statement Of Current Law to announce their meetings, if a school receives federal funds and Religious holidays. 14. Generally, public schools may teach about religious holidays and may http://www.holysmoke.org/sdhok/sch12.htm
Extractions: To: Marty Leipzig Marty, I have a brochure that I pounded into a txt file that I save for fundies who whine about how they 'know' of a case of a kid getting sent home for carrying a bible to school, or other such drivel. I think it is appropriate for me to post it to you now. It was put together but a HUGE consortium of organizations for both believers and nonbelievers of every stripe. It is a declaration of what is actually legal now, as we speak, and it speaks strongly to why it is unnecessary for us to get that dreaded Istook Amendment passed. Religion in the Public Schools
Washingtonpost.com: Live Online What type of diversity classes do you offer to teach tolerance James E. Richmond There are many federal holidays that we abide by, but we have a minimum number http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/liveonline/01/metro/metro_richmond082901.ht
Extractions: Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2001 James E. Richmond is superintendent of Charles County Public Schools. He has been hailed for his achievements in minority progress. ( Read the article Bracing for an anticipated shortage in principals in the coming years, school officials recently held a workshop for teachers they hope to train for administrative roles. ( Read the article The transcript follows. Editor's Note: Washingtonpost.com moderators retain editorial control over Live Online discussions and choose the most relevant questions for guests and hosts; guests and hosts can decline to answer questions.
ADL Resources - Religion In The Public Schools be excused from classes that teach about religious Guidelines for Public Schools During the December holidays. federal Funding for FaithBased Initiatives. http://www.adl.org/religion_ps/teaching.asp
Extractions: Education Religion in the Public Schools Teaching About Religious Holidays General Rule: Teachers must be careful not to cross the line between teaching about religious holidays (which is permitted) and celebrating religious holidays (which is not). Celebrating religious holidays in the form of religious worship or other practices is unconstitutional. Teaching about a holiday will be constitutional if it furthers a genuine secular program of education, is presented objectively, and does not have the effect of advancing or inhibiting religion. See Florey v. Sioux Falls School Dist. 49-5, 619 F.2d 1311 (8th Cir.), cert. denied , 449 U.S. 987 (1980). The U.S. Supreme Court has not specifically ruled on this subject.
Skip's Pages Alternative portrayals of the official federal holidays of the United States New Year s Day (January 1) Birthday of Martin Cats are intended to teach us that http://www2.cruzio.com/~spitzer/contents.html
Extractions: W elcome to my Web pages. Here you can find miscellaneous information about the world, resources for progressive activism, information on current personal projects, fun stuff, and other assorted miscellany. Click on the buttons at left to jump to a section. Links that go to somebody else's site are followed by an arrow ( Feel free to email me with comments, bugs, questions, or whatever else is on your mind. "There is nothing so stupid as an educated man, if you get off the thing that he was educated in." Will Rogers Class
Holiday Food And Nutrition Resources federal holidays Office of Personal Management Web site http which state that teaching about holidays can motivate students as well as teach about cultures. http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/pubs/bibs/gen/holiday.html
Extractions: This publication has been prepared for nutrition educators interested in materials on food and nutrition during the holidays. These materials were gathered in an effort to provide ideas or a starting point for preparing nutrition education theme event s during holidays or celebrations. A concerted effort was made to find materials addressing diverse food-related celebrations such as African, Asian, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Mexican, Muslim and Native American. There are very few resources on holidays exclusively dedicated to food and nutrition topics; most often they are mingled in with non-food related celebratory activities. Due to scarcity of existing materials, such resources were included in the list. The resource list is divided into three parts. Part One lists electronic resources, such as full text online items, relevant websites or organizations with an online representation. Part Two covers journals articles. Part Three lists more traditiona l library resources such as books, curricula, and videotapes. Most of the following subheadings are used throughout: Calendars, Curricula/Teaching Aids/Games/Quizzes, Food Safety, Food Traditions, Healthy Eating, Holiday Cooking and Weight Control. The resources listed contain accurate nutrition information and are available nationwide. Opinions expressed in the publications do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Your local library or bookstore can help you locate these resources. Contact information is provided for web sites and organizations.
Extractions: A Joint Statement Of Current Law The Constitution permits much private religious activity in and about the public schools. Unfortunately, this aspect of constitutional law is not as well known as it should be. Some say that the Supreme Court has declared the public schools "religion-free zones" or that the law is so murky that school officials cannot know what is legally permissible. The former claim is simply wrong. And as to the latter, while there are some difficult issues, much has been settled. It is also unfortunately true that public school officials, due to their busy schedules, may not be as fully aware of this body of law as they could be. As a result, in some school districts some of these rights are not being observed. The organizations whose names appear below span the ideological, religious and political spectrum. They nevertheless share a commitment both to the freedom of religious practice and to the separation of church and state such freedom requires.In that spirit, we offer this statement of consensus on current law as an aid to parents, educators and students. Many of the organizations listed below are actively involved in litigation about religion in the schools. On some of the issues discussed in this summary, some of the organizations have urged the courts to reach positions different than they did. Though there are signatories on both sides which have and will press for different constitutional treatments of some of the topics discussed below, they all agree that the following is an accurate statement of what the law currently is.
RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Although public schools may teach about religious holidays of holidays, schools may not observe holidays as religious generally do not have a federal right to http://www.catholicleague.org/research/religious_expression.htm
Extractions: RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Memo from the Clinton Administration to all public school superintendents. (August 1995) Student prayer and religious discussion: The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment does not prohibit purely private religious speech by students. Students therefore have the same right to engage in individual or group prayer and religious discussion during the school day as they do to engage in other comparable activity. For example, students may read their bible or other scriptures, say grace before meals, and pray before tests to the same extent they may engage in comparable nondisruptive activities. Local school authorities possess substantial discretion to impose rules of order and other pedagogical restrictions on student activities, but they may not structure or administer such rules to discriminate against religious activity or speech. Generally, students may pray in a nondisruptive manner when not engaged in school activities or instruction, and subject to the rules that normally pertain in the application setting. Specifically, students in informal settings, such as cafeterias and hallways, may pray and discuss their religious views with each other, subject to the same rules of order as apply to other student activities and speech. Students may also speak to, and attempt to persuade, their peers about religious topics just as they do with regard to political topics. School officials, however, should intercede to stop student speech that constitutes harassment aimed at a student or a group of students.
Extractions: Home Educational Resource Center Research eligious liberty for all people is one of JCRC's guiding principles. Because history has demonstrated that the inevitable result of a union of government and religion is the destruction of freedom for those who believe differently from the majority, JCRC consistently advocates in support of the separation of church and state. JCRC offers legal assistance, intervention services, speakers and written materials to help public school teachers, administrators, students and parents understand what is and is not an improper intrusion of religion in public schools. JCRC also offers assistance to parents and students who are faced with improper religious activities in school. Religion in Religion in Our Nation's Public Schools he current national debate on religion in public schools highlights the fact that many Americans wrongly believe nearly all religious expression and activities are banned in our nation's public schools. In fact, private religious student expression in the public schools is almost always protected, while any school endorsement of religious expression is always prohibited. School Prayer Organized prayer is not permitted in public schools. The United States Supreme Court has clearly ruled that organized vocal prayer and ceremonial reading from the Bible are unconstitutional practices in the public school classroom. Furthermore, organized prayer is not permitted at student assemblies, athletic activities and special events. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in
NARA Calendar Of Events Things To Do On Your Visit Historic 2 pm on Tuesday only (except federal holidays) Group size Produced in 1950 by the federal Emergency Management was shown to school children to teach them how to http://www.archives.gov/about_us/calendar_of_events/print_friendly.html?page=his
News A federal court in California has ruled that a middle s use of Islamic practices to teach students about holidays often provide a showcase for such lessons. http://www.nsba.org/site/view.asp?TRACKID=&CID=469&DID=8754
HELLO Online html State This site deals with all federal and state on famous Americans with whom some holidays are connected teachNology http//www.teach-nology.com/teachers http://www.hello-online.ru/content.php?contid=750
Extractions: Freedoms: Ill Wind Behind the Terror Deadly Spiral Children of the State The Hidden Hand of Violence Ca$hing In The Great Brain Injury Scam Human Rights and Freedoms Buying off the Drug Traffic Cop Revisiting the Jonestown tragedy The Great Waste A Fire on the Cross In Support of Human Rights The Black and White of Justice Freedom of Speech at Risk in Cyberspace The Psychiatric Subversion of Justice The Story Behind the Controversy The Internet: The Promise and the Perils Page 1. Students have the right to pray individually or in groups or to discuss their religious views with their peers so long as they are not disruptive. Because the Establishment Clause does not apply to purely private speech, students enjoy the right to read their Bibles or other scriptures, say grace before meals, pray before tests, and discuss religion with other willing student listeners. In the classroom students have the right to pray quietly except when required to be actively engaged in school activities (e.g., students may not decide to pray just as a teacher calls on them). In informal settings, such as the cafeteria or in the halls, students may pray either audibly or silently, subject to the same rules of order as apply to other speech in these locations. However, the right to engage in voluntary prayer does not include, for example, the right to have a captive audience listen or to compel other students to participate.
CNN.com - Transcripts neither snow nor sleet nor gloom of night, nor even federal holidays can keep the eastern seaboard this weekend, global warming seminars and teachins were http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0302/17/cf.00.html
Extractions: The Web CNN.com Home Page World U.S. Weather ... Special Reports SERVICES Video E-Mail Services CNNtoGO SEARCH Web CNN.com Transcript Providers Return to Transcripts main page CNN CROSSFIRE Is War the Only Option in Iraq? Aired February 17, 2003 - 19:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. ANNOUNCER: Live from the George Washington University, Tucker Carlson. And sitting in on the left, Julian Epstein.
The Indiana Digital Student - Profile For Christina Galoozis Like most federal holidays, schools and post offices will be University doesn t close on such holidays because there by faculty members and onesided teach-ins http://www.idsnews.com/profile.php?byline=Christina Galoozis