Extractions: Feel free to link to it however! When most people think of medicine, they visualize something material like a pill to be popped, a liquid to be swallowed or an injection to be endured. Some might also consider surgery, tests or procedures to be medicine since these high-tech maneuvers can help diagnose and treat disease. But one of the most potent forms of medicine isn't something you can buy at a pharmacy or get at the doctor's office. No one else can give you this medicine or perform its magic for you. It's movement, simple physical activity that can have profound healing effects. And it's something only you can do for yourself.
Resource Room: Reading Comprehension - Vocabulary Activities Multisensory Vocabulary Guidelines and activities. to their clarifying strategy toteach vocabulary. of knowledge structure requires much more energy and focus http://www.resourceroom.net/comprehension/vocabactivities.asp
Extractions: Guidelines and Activities Susan Jones, M.Ed. 4/99 Vocabulary is a weak area for many students, but much "vocabulary instruction" ends up being handwriting practice. Edwin Ellis and Theresa Farmer describe the situation eloquently in the introduction to their clarifying strategy to teach vocabulary. To quote: " No doubt you share the common childhood experience of having to "go look up the words in a dictionary, write the definition, and then write a sentence using the term" but how much of that vocabulary do you remember now?... Perhaps the least effective way to study vocabulary is the ''look and remember' technique. Here, students typically stare at the term and definition, apparently trying to activate photographic memory they wish they had. Another common study technique is to do 'rote verbal rehearsal' saying it over and over again, usually in the exact language and format in which the definition originally came. "
Science NetLinks: The Warmth Of The Sun Watts on Schools is a resource providing a variety of interesting activities thatteach students at all grade levels about different aspects of solar energy. http://www.sciencenetlinks.com/lessons.cfm?BenchmarkID=4&DocID=329
Science Educational Resources Easy to follow recipes for doing over 120 demonstrations or activities on Formsof energy Heat, Magnetism, Static and Current electricity, Light and Sound. http://www.scienceinquiry.com/books.htm
Extractions: This fascinating book for science teachers contain 507 pages with over 400 discrepant events to motivate students in learning science is specifically designed and written for elementary, junior high and senior high school teachers. It is a collection of 411 carefully selected and tested Discrepant Events. These are surprising, counterintuitive, and paradoxical phenomena, which are interest arousing and motivational. It is broad in scope, covering such topics as air, weather, characteristics of matter, chemicals, energy, static and current electricity, sound and light, space and earth science, plants and human biology. Each event is self-contained on one page and includes a materials list, procedure, questions and explanations and one or two clear sketches! B2 "INVITATIONS TO SCIENCE INQUIRY" Supplement to 1st and 2nd Editions.....$27.50 By: Dr. Tik L. Liem 175 pages filled with 150 additional Discrepant Events (over the first edition) among which 50 are over and above the events in the second edition. More Discrepant Events have been added to each chapter of the first two editions. Like the first and second editions, emphasis have been placed in the use of simple and readily available materials such as jars, adhesive tape, straws, candles, paper clips, rubber bands, pins, needles, balls, marbles, eggs, clothespins and magnets. The author's choice of materials makes these ISI (Invitations to Science Inquiry) books especially useful for schools lacking in equipment and teachers lacking a strong science background.
Hazara Press - Centers In Quetta: Paragon Educational Academy free education, diverted most of its energy, efforts, concentration, and activitiestowards the The school under the title of teach Grammar School http://www.hazara.com/center_quetta/teach.html
Extractions: Mr Sher Mauhammed Founder Najeebullah Maqsudi INTRODUCTION Teach Social Welfare Society is a non-governmental body. It functions for the spread and development of basic education, social awareness, social developmental activities and attainment of the knowledge of foreign language. The activities are undertaken regionally. The main concentration is to uplift the impoverished members of society in educational, social and economic sectors within its possible resources. The Society through a set plan will endeavor and probe into the possibilities to consolidate the strength, talent , manpower, and skills of the members of society so that it can proceed towards social progress and development with an exemplary pace.
Cool Cosmos Classroom activities for Learning about Infrared Light Students The answers teachstudent about the properties See examples of friction, energy transfer, color http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/cosmic_classroom/multiwavelength_astronomy/mu
LISS Activities Some of the activities are quite basic and earthquakes contain less high frequencyenergy than nearby http//aslwww.usgs.gov/Education/teach.html/ Questions or http://aslwww.cr.usgs.gov/Education/teach.html
Extractions: This document provides some general ideas for educational activities which can utilize the helicorder-style seismogram plots (heliplots) on the LISS website. Some of the activities are quite basic and can probably be adapted to primary or middle school levels, while the more advanced exercises may be appropriate for undergraduate university level courses. Exercise 1: Earthquakes, the media, geography Watch the LISS each day for current seismic events (or use the IRIS seismic monitor ). On the LISS one can see large earthquakes as they happen, sometimes hours before the formal reports are released. When a large earthquake is observed in some part of the world: Assign groups to search the newspapers for the next few days for reports of the earthquake (one can access newspapers all over the world via the WWW).
Education Materials For Teachers of the economic and environmental tradeoffs of energy consumption and Correlatedactivities for the an excellent and highly visual way to teach such concepts http://www.environment.ky.gov/education/edumaterials/
Extractions: EPPC Web page dedicated to the environmental education needs of school teachers. This page includes materials such as KERA correlated curriculums, background information on natural resources topics and upcoming student events and activities, such as Commonwealth Cleanup Week. This is your first stop for environmental education materials and information. Incorporate these activities and materials into lesson plans or get your students involved in some of the upcoming special events.
ENERGY STAR® Northeast energy STAR and NEEP electric utility partnership for saving energy. Includes energy efficiency tips, online energy savings calculators, product dealer locators, and rebate information for energy http://www.betterwaytosave.com/education.asp?producttype=&tab=5&lngUtili
Aldo Leopold Nature Center - Teacher's Page receive a copy of the KEEP Activity Guide, a guide, and be introduced to additionalenergyrelated educational want to experience it today and teach it tomorrow http://www.naturenet.com/alnc/teach.html
Extractions: This page offers information on student programming and teacher training. FOR STUDENT GROUPS: At the Aldo Leopold Nature Center, we continue Aldo Leopold's legacy by teaching students that the land is a complex organism to be loved, cared for, studied, and understood. School programs focus on learning-by-doing and use simple equipment. Our experienced naturalists work with teachers or group leaders to plan specific activities. Groups are kept small, tour length is up to 1.5 hours, and activities can be tailored to fit your group's special interests and needs. School Field Trip Programs We work with teachers to ensure that trips to the Nature Center are an integral part of your child's education. Throughout the year, we offer grade- and topic- specific programs from pond ecology to winter survival. For program descriptions and registration information click here: School Field Trip Programs Get energized with Nature Center's field trips focused on energy education. As part of our effort to improve energy education, teachers are encouraged to read our "Hands-on Energy in Nature" handbook. The handbook addresses key concepts of energy, both in nature and as managed by humans. To view the handbook, click here:
Extractions: TEFLChina Teahouse Life Good stuff Positive energy and the round file Roger Chrisman, 29 June 1998 There is a good deal of littering on campus, here at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. A bird tells me it is an expression of opprobrium from the students towards the intellectual apathy from their teachers and administrators. This didn't translate nicely in my heart, since it put me on the side lacking intellectual vigor. It stressed me and then depressed me. And so I though: clean classrooms set a positive attitude and I believe in positive energy. All the classrooms in my university have (1) refuse in the desks and on the floor, and (2) no trash cans. So I decided to make my classroom a positive example and bought two plastic waste baskets, one for each end of my rather large classroom. Students gradually began putting waste into the round file, rather than into their desks or on the floor. Not always of course. It was a hard habit to get into because there were no waste baskets in the other classrooms. But perhaps the larger half of the crumpled papers, food wrappers, plum pits etc. in my classroom ended up in the waste baskets. I collected the rest into the baskets at the end of the day and dumped them in the trash can down the hall. We had done this for two semesters. Then lo, guess what happened yesterday! I saw a bunch of students, with a bright stack of colorful plastic round files (waste baskets), taking signatures on a poster in front of their dormitory! One of them slotted me and shouted for me to come over and sign this poster. She had been in a class I had substituted in last September (and had brought my two waste baskets along with me to) and she had now bought a whole stack of colorful plastic waste baskets with her own money, one for each classroom in our teaching building!