Extractions: Select One NATIONWIDE Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Washington D.C. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Other searches: Map-Based Search
Washington, DC Area Schools and special education programs for children from the district of columbia ranging in School, Alexandria, VA Established in 1839 as a boarding school for boys http://privateschool.about.com/cs/dcarea/
Extractions: zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Education Private Schools U.S. Schools ... Washington, DC DC Area Schools Home Essentials Private School Jobs Montessori Schools ... Ban Beating? zau(256,152,145,'gob','http://z.about.com/5/ad/go.htm?gs='+gs,''); U.S. Schools Choosing a School Canadian Schools Employment ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','http://z.about.com/0/ip/417/0.htm','');w(xb+xb); Subscribe to the About Private Schools newsletter. Search Private Schools Visit these schools virtually. Alphabetical Recent Up a category Academy of the Holy Cross, Kensington, MD "Catholic education uniquely focused on young women since 1868. Grades 9-12" Alexandria Country Day School, Alexandria, VA "ACDS is a K-8 independent school overlooking beautiful Alexandria, Virginia." Ad Fontes Academy, Fairfax Station, VA "Providing excellent Christ-centered Classical Education for Grades 7-12 in Northern Virginia under the leadership of the National Christian Foundation." Archbishop Carroll High School, Northeast "Where students learn to integrate faith and life." 8-12. Coed. Day. Archbishop Denis J. O'Connell High School, Arlington, VA
Virginia Schools Online of Virginia, Christchurch is a collegepreparatory school for boarding boys and School s 410 students come from 31 states, the district of columbia and 15 http://privateschool.about.com/cs/schoolsva1/
Extractions: zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Education Private Schools U.S. Schools ... Virginia Virginia Schools Online Home Essentials Private School Jobs Montessori Schools ... Ban Beating? zau(256,152,145,'gob','http://z.about.com/5/ad/go.htm?gs='+gs,''); U.S. Schools Choosing a School Canadian Schools Employment ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','http://z.about.com/0/ip/417/0.htm','');w(xb+xb); Subscribe to the About Private Schools newsletter. Search Private Schools Visit these schools virtually. Alphabetical Recent Up a category Ad Fontes Academy, Fairfax Station "Providing excellent Christ-centered Classical Education for Grades 7-12 in Northern Virginia under the leadership of the National Christian Foundation." Alexandria Country Day School, Alexandria "ACDS is a K-8 independent school overlooking beautiful Alexandria, Virginia." Archbishop Denis J. O'Connell High School, Arlington "Bishop Denis J. O'Connell High School is a Catholic coeducational community." 8-12. Coed. Day. Aylett Country Day School, Millers Tavern
Extractions: Internet Special Education Resources Nationwide and International Services Regional and Local Services Arkansas Statewide Services Keys to Safer Schools.com California Statewide Services Bodin Associates , Educational Alternatives, educational consulting Local Services Los Altos Bodin Associates, Educational Alternatives Los Angeles SpecialEdKids.Net, tutoring, assessments, advocacy
Stables, Livery And Riding Schools In District Of Columbia Categories Animal Artwork boarding Kennels Breeders Breed Clubs Catteries Dog Trainers Dog Walkers Grooming Services Pet Cemeteries Pet district of columbia. http://www.petpeoplesplace.com/directory/stables/District.htm
Schools Tellmeabout.co.uk Information and resources on over 300 boarding schools in the US and the Council s report Restoring Excellence to the district of columbia Public schools. http://www.tellmeabout.co.uk/directory/s/schools/readme.htm
About Hyde School a collegepreparatory public charter school serving students from throughout the district of columbia. Hyde is affiliated with the Hyde boarding schools in Bath http://www.hydedc.org/about_print.htm
Extractions: Hyde Leadership Public Charter School is a college-preparatory public charter school serving students from throughout the District of Columbia. Hyde is affiliated with the Hyde boarding schools in Bath, Maine and Woodstock, Connecticut and is modeled on the Hyde character development and family renewal programs at those schools. For more information on these schools, please visit www.hyde.edu The school opened in 1999 with 240 students in grades 7-9 and currently serves 698 students in grades K-4 and 6-12. It will eventually serve more then 1,000 students in grades K-12. The Hyde program is designed to insure that all graduates are accepted into college and are prepared for the intellectual and ethical challenges of college and life beyond college. The Class of 2003 was the school's first graduating class. The core philosophy of Hyde Leadership PCS is that each individual is gifted with a unique potential that defines a destiny. Unique potential is developed through a character-based curriculum that stresses a student-parent-teacher partnership and creates a family-school bond. We believe our revolutionary approach to educating the whole child, coupled with the Hyde Schools' 35+ years of experience, will enable individuals to develop character and discover a deeper purpose in their lives.
Washingtonian Online - Schools & Community schools The Washingtonians annual guide to area private schools, including boarding schools, bilingual schools The district of columbia Public Library http://www.washingtonian.com/schools/default.asp
Extractions: Jump to Neighborhoods Community Resources and Volunteer Opportunities Summer Camps Educational Resources Who Can Fix the Schools? The Decision That Changed Everything: Fifty Years Ago, the Supreme Court Struck Down Laws That Sent Black and White Children to Separate Schools. The Ruling Brought Hope and Fear, Prompted Acts of Cruelty and Courage, and Began to Change the Way We Learn and Work and Live Together. Guide to Private Schools: annual guide to area private schools, including boarding schools, bilingual schools, and schools that have facilities for children with special needs. Playing the Get-Into-College Game Guide to Continuing Education: A comprehensive listing of adult-education programs in Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Inside a Private School
Friends Of Choice In Urban Schools The district of columbia has the most successful central control has enabled the district s public charter was the first public, urban boarding school in the http://www.focus-dccharter.org/aboutpcs/schoollist.asp
Extractions: Ninety-nine percent of the District's public charter school students are members of minority groups. Public charter schools are located in seven of the District's eight wards and are more frequently located in tracts with lower incomes and higher poverty rates than are traditional public schools. Nearly two-thirds of public charter school students qualify for free and reduced lunch. Freedom from central control has enabled the District's public charter schools to innovate in many different ways. Often employing cutting-edge whole-school design models, about half of D.C.'s public charter schools offer an academically rigorous liberal arts curriculum. Many of the remainder offer curricula focused on a particular subject theme, like arts, foreign language immersion, or technology. The rest target niche markets, such as students who are several years behind grade level, children in the juvenile justice system, or adult learners. One D.C. charter was the first public, urban boarding school in the United States.
Darlington School Academics Southern Association of boarding schools. colleges and universities and attended 63 different colleges in 21 states, the district of columbia, Canada, and http://www.darlington.rome.ga.us/academics/collegeprofile.asp
Extractions: Darlington School was originally founded as a day school in 1905 and established its boarding department in 1923. Darlington is an independent, coeducational, college-preparatory school for average to superior students. The School emphasizes traditional studies and expects its students to develop competence in English, mathematics, history, science, a foreign language, technology, and an appreciation of the fine arts. Darlington seeks to develop the best of academic and social growth for each of its students. The School admits academically qualified students without regard to race, creed, color, sex, or national and ethnic origin. Grades: Enrollment: Upper School: Middle School: Lower School: Upper School - Boarding: Upper School - Day: Teaching Faculty: Student-Faculty Ratio: Average Class Size: Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools College Board - ACT Code: Membership in the Following: National Association for College Admission Counseling Southern Association for College Admission Counseling The College Board College Scholarship Service National Association of Independent Schools Southern Association of Independent Schools Georgia Independent School Association
Education Links the lastest information about Virginia, Maryland and district of columbia schools. Quest (member and nonmember private day and boarding school listings). http://www.state.gov/m/dghr/flo/1994.htm
Extractions: [Print Friendly Version] Government Web Sites Office of Overseas Schools, Department of State - http://www.state.gov/m/a/os Office of Allowances, Department of State - http://www.state.gov/m/a/als U.S. Department of Education - http://www.ed.gov Homework Helpers Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids - http://bensguide.gpo.gov Tekmom.com at http://www.tekmom.com/search - This site was started by a northern Virginia computer teacher with children at home. It contains favorite research tools on the web for kids. URL addresses are provided for kid search engines, general search engines, science, history, images, encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographies, authors, and maps. B.J. Pinchbeck's Homework Helpers at http://school.discovery.com/homeworkhelp/bjpinchbeck/index.html - This site includes hundreds of links to information to help kids with their homework. http://www.surfnetkids.com/emailedition.htm - Free e-newsletter by Barbara Feldman that pre-screens web sites suitable for kids and bundles them by subject. Topics have included space, dinosaurs, the Civil War, spelling helpers, math flashcards, crossword puzzles, reference materials, etc. Subscribe to this free HTML newsletter at their site. www.clickatutor.com
The District: Community: Schools: K-12 district of columbia Public School System. Coeducational, college prepatory boarding school founded in 1839 in Alexandria, VA, and offering strong academic http://www.thedistrict.com/thedistrict/communit/educate/k12.htm
Extractions: Local Alexandria City Public Schools District of Columbia Public School System To provide a quality student-centered environment that fosters maximum learning by each student. Fairfax County Public Schools Montgomery County Public Schools Bailey's Elementary School for the Arts and Sciences Barnard Elementary School Preparing its students through academic excellence and exposure to the latest technologies. Bishop Denis J. O'Connell High School Bond Mill Elementary School Chantilly High School Christian Fellowship School Our goal is to train students, in partnership with parents, to think, live, love and lead as Christians through programs of academic excellence rooted in Biblical truths. Cresthaven Elementary School Drew-Freeman Middle School Eastern Middle School Resource for students and one place for publication of student work. Episcopal High School Coeducational, college prepatory boarding school founded in 1839 in Alexandria, VA, and offering strong academic, athletic and extracurricular programs.
Schools - Schools Search Engine Information and resources on over 300 boarding schools in the US and the Council s report Restoring Excellence to the district of columbia Public schools http://www.searchclickz.com/search.php?keywords=Schools
Dog Training Schools, Dog Trainers, Dog Training district of columbia. Brizes boarding School, Elizabeth, Pennsylvania 412384-6445, Barbara Brizes barbbrizes@aol.com 04/05 Type of Training Basic Advance http://www.dog-training.com/trainers.htm
Extractions: New Products Join Mail List Bookmark Page Dog Training, Dog Training Schools, Dog Trainers, Dog Obedience Dog Training Clubs and Agility Training The list below contains information on Dog Training, Dog Training Schools, Dog Trainers, Dog Obedience Clubs, Agility Training, Agility Clubs, Retriever Training, Retriever Clubs, Fly Ball Training, Fly Ball Clubs, Frisbee Training, Frisbee Clubs, Herding Dog Training, Herding Clubs, Police Dog Training, Schutzhund Training and Protection Dog Training. The Leash Connection offers three ways to save money - Low Prices, Quantity Discounts and our program (click on red mix n match words for more info) on most of our products which all adds up to savings for you.
Board Of Education - Biographies Recruitment for the SEED Public Charter School a college preparatory boarding school for DC s He is a graduate of he district of columbia Public schools. http://www.k12.dc.us/dcps/boe/boebios.html
Extractions: Office Fax Email peggy.cafritz@k12.dc.us Peggy Cooper Cafritz has been a resident of the District of Columbia since 1964. She attended the George Washington University, earning an undergraduate degree in political science in 1968 and a law degree in 1971. While still in law school, she co-founded the Duke Ellington School of the Arts and continued to serve the school and its non-profit fundraising affiliate, the Ellington Fund, until January 2001, when she took office as the first publicly elected president of the District of Columbia Board of Education. Over the past year, Ms. Cafritz created a unique governing partnership for the school with the Kennedy Center, the George Washington University, the D.C. Public Schools System, and the Ellington community. Ms. Cafritz has enjoyed a wide and varied 30-year professional career. Following law school, she was the youngest person ever selected as a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. From 1974 to 1977, Ms. Cafritz worked as a programming executive for Post-Newsweek and a documentary producer for WTOP-TV, earning both Emmy and Peabody Awards for her documentary work. From 1977 to 1979, Ms. Cafritz served as Executive Director for the Minority Cultural Project, a joint venture between Harry Belafonte and WQED/Pittsburgh to develop a dramatic literary series for the Community for Public Broadcasting and the Public Broadcasting Corporation. Since 1986, Ms. Cafritz has appeared as an arts critic on WETA-TV's "Around Town," for which she also received an Emmy Award.
Other Education Websites and universities in all 50 states and the district of columbia. The NAIS represents over 1,100 independent day schools, boarding schools, and combination http://nces.ed.gov/partners/other.asp
Extractions: site index ED.gov Federal Gov Sites International ED Sites ... State ED Sites Other ED Sites These links have information that may be of interest to our users. NCES does not necessarily endorse the views, the data, or facts presented on these sites. American Association of School Administrators (AASA)
Spotlight I think I was most struck by SEED, probably because the concept of a public boarding school for inner 3 Visit to the district of columbia s Charter schools http://www.thedoylereport.com/spotlight?object=archive[]&content_id=1131
Parochial And Private Schools In Maryland and college preparatory schools in Maryland and the district of columbia. It lists schools by name, gender, religious affiliation, day/boarding, or grade. http://www.sailor.lib.md.us/MD_topics/edu/sch_par.html
Search Results pans of the best day schools in the district of columbia and surrounding Authoritatively describes more than 1,500 private day, boarding, religious, special http://www.eshop.msn.com/fts/ftsresults.aspx?pcid=15146
Philanthropy Magazine @ The Philanthropy Roundtable Vinnakota and Adler have already lobbied Congress, successfully, to change district of columbia law to provide support for boarding charter schools). http://www.philanthropyroundtable.org/magazines/2000-03/greatgrants.html
Extractions: Amount: $100,000 No one who follows education can fail to have noticed that the charter school movement is shaking up the assumptions of parents and school districts. Some of the most exciting charter schools are those which offer kids wh they are currently trapped. But what about those children for whom school is not the only failing institution? Coming from a broken family is tough, but what about those kids whose families are "broken" beyond any recognition as a "family"? The problems of children swirling in the vortex of familial freefall don’t start and end with the classroom bell. One problem at a time, you say? That’s not the way the founders of the S.E.E.D. School see it. The S.E.E.D. School (that’s "Schools for Educational Evolution and Development") in Washington, D.C., is the first charter school conceived as a boarding school—and as a pilot for a hoped-for national trend. Rajiv "Raj" Vinnakota, a 29-year old Princeton graduate who in 1997 quit his day job as a management consultant to co-found S.E.E.D. along with colleague Eric Adler, explains that for many children from the most "difficult circumstances," a boarding school environment is precisely what they need. Why spend all your time worrying about (and attempting to remediate) the problems besetting these kids when they aren’t at school when you can create a secure and stable 24-hour-a-day learning environment.