Untitled The EDITME file is used by makefiles to build individual defs.h, defs.sh and defs.sed files, which in turn control the build/install process of smail. The EDITMEdist file serves as a reference copy only. http://www.linux-consulting.com/FAQ_virtual/DemoFiles/smail-
Extractions: Website News, Updates, Etc. Sometimes genealogy can become complicated and make a mess out of your notes and family names etc. So below we have a list of tools provided to you by Comanche Lodge to help you in your genealogical research. Feel free to use these charts in your own research, they are free for the taking and they will print out on your printer so you never have to pay money for these important charts. Genealogy can get expensive when ordering records and such, so take advantage of these free charts and save your money for those records you need to order!