WOCAL4 And ACAL34 Home Page The description of African languages in a rapidly changing field. WOCAL 4 and ACAL 34 to be held 1722 June 2003 at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Call for papers, workshops, speakers and international symposium. http://www.wocal4.rutgers.edu/
Center On Congress At Indiana University NEWS Subscribe to the Center on congress Information NEWS Additional ELearning Simulations Available! NEWS 2003-2004 Information http://congress.indiana.edu/
VI International Congress Of Systematic And Evolutionary Biology Covers ten major themes relating to biodiversity in the information age. Scientific program, registration form, excursions and tours, list of committees, venue information, and tourist links. Patras, Greece. http://www.icseb-vi.biology.upatras.gr/
Extractions: The objective of the Congress is to encourage integrative thinking towards managing for ecosystem health. The program will bring together internationally recognized scholars from a wide variety of disciplines, as well as representatives from government agencies, nonprofit organizations, corporations and ecosystem-related professions. There will be analytical discussion sessions on issues concerning ecosystem health, with Congress recommendations being developed. The three themes for the Congress are The Science and Technology of Assessing Ecosystem Health Political, Cultural and Economic Issues Influencing Ecosystem Health
Chinese Bowling Congress Includes club information and also has a list of bowling links. http://cbcbowling.com/
The Historic Hotel Congress - Tucson, AZ Hotel congress Historical hotel in Tucson, Arizona, USA. Remodelled wth attention to period detail. Also home to tucson hippest night spot Club congress. http://www.hotcong.com/
Extractions: Located in the heart of sunny, downtown Tucson, Arizona where summer spends the winter ,the Hotel Congress is at the hub of Tucson history and nightlife. Navigate the site to find out about this historic hotel , what's happening at the Club Congress (Tucson's hippest nightclub since 1985), our world class restuarant the , banquet services in The Room room rates and more. Blue Monday with sean t - The city's first and best 80s night
Extractions: Languages Time, Inc. Time.com People Fortune EW WASHINGTON (CNN) President Bush sent Friday to Congress a request for $6.5 billion in supplemental spending for FY 2001. A statement from the Office of Management and Budget said the funds would "make up for shortfalls in routine government operations." The funds would go to the departments of Agriculture, Defense, Energy, HHS, HUD and Transportation, Interior, Treasury and Veterans Affairs. NASA and other international assistance programs would also receive a portion of the funds. The president asked Congress to pass the funding by the July 4 holiday. According to the White House, the request fits within the discretionary spending caps established last year by Congress. Office of Management and Budget Director Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr., said, "We believe that this request covers all the outstanding funding needs of the government for this fiscal year, and we will recommend that the president not sign a bill that provides more discretionary spending than the spending caps allow."
Adoption Reform And Open Adoption - American Adoption Congress. The American Adoption congress (AAC) is an international adoption reform network of individuals and organizations committed to truth in adoption and adoption http://www.americanadoptioncongress.org/
Extractions: 2004 Conference a Success Purchase Your Conference Audio Tapes Recommended Books "The History of Sealed Records" - Samuels' Did you find what you are looking for? It is the purpose of this web resource for you to locate the the information on adoption reform that you are seeking. If, however, you are unable to locate a particular piece of information on adoption reform and other similarly related adoption related topic, or if you just need some assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us by email or by telephone. Our Contact Us page is your best source on reaching the most appropriate AAC member.
Extractions: President Reagan My Dear Friends ~ Running for Congress is a profound experience because it affects peoples lives in a very personal way. During the campaigns, people asked, "What can you do for me? Can your election make a difference in my life? Or, are you just like all the other politicians who promise anything to win and forget me when you do?" Your questions and concerns showed me campaigns aren't about candidates. Campaigns are about listening to the needs of the people. Campaigns are about showing a new path when old ideas don't work. From Mercer Island to Duvall, from Redmond to Mount Rainier, people tell me they want to feel connected with their representative. They want to feel their representative cares about them and their families especially now when they are so worried about the country, worried about the economy, worried about their children's future. You have serious questions. How will we take care of our seniors? Will we protect the environment? How can we make our schools better? How can we safeguard our pensions and retirement? And provide a safety net for those laid off from work? How can we get our economy going again? We're going to work together.
FirstGov – Federal Legislative Branch Branch. Federal Legislative Branch, congress US Senate Committee Office Websites; Senate Home Page; Senate Leadership; Senators on the Web. http://www.firstgov.gov/Agencies/Federal/Legislative.shtml
Extractions: Languages Spanish Portuguese German Italian Danish Japanese Korean Arabic Time, Inc. Time.com People Fortune EW Sen. Robert Byrd is interviewed on "Fox News Sunday" at their studio in Washington WASHINGTON (CNN) The Senate's senior Democrat blasted former President Clinton on Sunday for "lowering of the standards of our culture" and leaving as his legacy a Republican Congress. West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd made the remarks on "Fox News Sunday," calling President Clinton's last-minute pardons "malodorous" and a distortion of presidential power. "They stink," Byrd said. "I think he abused the constitutional power that is there for purposes when there's a need to make justice out of injustice, to correct an incorrection. But they were abused." The interview was also marked by Byrd's use of a racial slur during a discussion of civil rights and U.S. race relations, a statement for which he later apologized. ( More on Byrd's comments Byrd, 83, is a stickler for Senate parliamentary rules and an avid student of history. Colleagues watched him closely during Clinton's 1999 impeachment trial.
NCEC: Home Page Senate Races. New From the National Director Bush Weakness Will Help Retake congress (PDF, Adobe Acrobat Required to Read). NCEC http://www.ncec.org/
EuroBiochips 2004 Examining the development and impact of microarray and microfluidic technologies on the pharmaceutical industry. Berlin Hilton, FRG. http://www.eurobiochips.com
Extractions: This database has been established to assist researchers interested in investigating the U.S. Government documents pertaining to U.S. military personnel listed as unaccounted for as of December 1991. The title of this collection is "Correlated and Uncorrelated Information Relating to Missing Americans in Southeast Asia." The documents are declassified by the Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office ( DPMO ) and released to the Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, for public access. Researchers using this database can identify documents of interest by using search terms such as last names, country names, service branches, keywords, and statements such as "downed over Laos." Once identified, copies of desired documents may be obtained in three ways: 1. Researchers wishing to use this microfilm collection may come to the Library of Congress Microform and Machine Readables Collection Reading Room, located in the Thomas Jefferson Building, First Floor, Room LJ-139B.
Local History And Genealogy Reading Room (Humanities And Social Sciences Divisio Provides information on the Library of congress' extensive genealogy and local history collection dating back to 1815. A world class facility with a diverse catalog of family histories and genealogy materials of all kinds. The website discusses the scope of the collection, provides bibliographies and guides, and instructs potential researchers on hours of operation, preparedness, and available resources such as free onsite access to fee-based genealogy databases. http://www.loc.gov/rr/genealogy/
Extractions: DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA, 8-17 SEPTEMBER 2003 Vth IUCN World Parks Congress Day by Day 8-17 September 2003 Vth World Parks Congress Sets Agenda for next Decade, Spurs Conservation Initiatives for Africa The Vth IUCN World Parks Congress was held from 8 to 17 September 2003 in Durban, South Africa with participants agreed on new commitments and policy guidance for protected areas worldwide. In closing the Congress, Achim Steiner, Director General of IUCN - the World Conservation Union, noted that: