Extractions: Alternative Energy The Environment Water: Ponds/Water Gardens, Irrigation... Wildlife GENERAL/MIXED/MISC. Bluewater Recycling Association (click on 'Composting' at left) Compost Book (making a hot pile, building a bin, compost recipes...) - Charlotte Mecklenburg Government Compost Guide ... Saskatchewan Naturally
COLDTECH 93-2 AND. composting OF KITCHEN AND GARDEN WASTE. The reduction of the weight and volumeof the added material was estimated at the end of the composting periods. http://www.luth.se/depts/lib/coldtech/ct93-2.html
Extractions: PREFACE We are very grateful to COLDTECH for the financial support during two years which made this project possible. The staff in the kitchen of the university restaurant is also gratefully acknowledged for collecting the kitchen waste. GG participated in this project during the first season and PN during the second season. SUMMARY Four prototypes of insulated, small compost containers were constructed with the following assumptions in mind: 1) The containers are intended to be used by families living in their own houses for composting kitchen and garden waste outdoors. 2) The degradation of the waste material will continue during periods with temperatures below freezing. 3) The volume of the container will be enough for additions of 15 litres of kitchen and garden waste per week during 8 months. 4) The container will be easy to handle, i. e. it will be easy to turn the waste in it and to empty it.
Composting Practices North Dakota State University NDSU Extension Service. composting Practices. Propercomposting is the gradual aerobic microbial decomposition of organic material. http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/plantsci/hortcrop/h885w.htm
Extractions: NDSU Extension Service H-885 (Revised), May 1992 Ronald C. Smith, Extension Horticulturist and Turfgrass Specialist One of the reasons North Dakota was so attractive to early settlers was the high organic matter content of the soil: crops sown grew at rapid rates and produced yields that were to set some standards for the Upper Midwest. Soil management in those early years was in the utilization of organic matter residue. Petroleum based fertilizers, herbicides and insecticides were unheard of in 1900. Barnyard manure, straw, corncobs, etc., were all reincorporated into the soil to return some nutrient value, but primarily to maintain the soil's superior tilth. The compost pile or bin was a common farmstead sight in those days. The family vegetable garden, flower garden, trees, shrubs and lawn would receive benefits from application of composted or organic matter. Why Compost?
Extractions: email Worm Bins - Vermicomposting Systems Easy to use system producing worm free vermicompost Now you can make your own worm castings and reduce organic waste the easy way! The Worm Wigwam is designed to process large amounts of food and organic waste. The byproduct is a rich finished compost that is a readily usable or salable product reducing the need for chemical fertilizer. Just turn the harvest handle, remove the door and collect the "worm free" finished compost from the bottom tray. Traditional methods of vermicomposting have been based on beds or windrows on the ground containing waste up to 18" deep, but such methods have numerous drawbacks. They require large areas of land for large-scale production and are relatively labor intensive, even when machinery is used for adding waste to beds. More importantly, such systems process wastes relatively slowly, taking anywhere from 6 to 18 months for processing to be complete. There is good evidence that a large proportion of the essential plant nutrients, that are in a relatively soluble form, are washed out and also a significant proportion can volatilize during this long processing period. Such nutrient losses are undesirable, particularly in relation to ground water pollution and result in a poor finished product. The Worm Wigwam requires no compost turning and requires no separating of worms and partially decomposed waste from the finished compost.
ET 4/98: Kids And Composting Kids and composting. Kids and composting were made for each other. But eventually,children will succumb to the magic and mystery of composting. http://www.sdearthtimes.com/et0498/et0498s10.html
Extractions: by Linda C. Puig Sela Shiloni, left, and Zachary Rosanova struggle with a full-sized pitchfork to turn a pile of compost - good exercise and a good lesson in caring for the earth. he kids may hold their noses. They may complain gleefully that it looks like vomit. But eventually, children will succumb to the magic and mystery of composting. Composting is the living recycling process that turns nature's trash into treasure garbage into gold, so to speak. It's catching on throughout the country as a way to reduce garbage output and enhance the health and vitality of the earth's soil. For children, composting at home or at school offers a rich learning opportunity. It often provides a critical missing link in nature's cycle of growth, decay and renewal. Children generally understand that seeds sprout and grow into plants that we eat for nourishment. But our culture, uncomfortable with death and decomposition, tends to cover up the rest of the cycle. Composting shows children, almost before their eyes, how food and plant waste transforms into rich, reuseable dirt that nourishes the earth and its new growing plants.
Home.htm Offers information on composting, recycling and worm composting, and sells products such as wheelie bins, vermiculture bins, can crushers, and paper refuse sacks. http://www.zero-2-land.ndo.co.uk
Extractions: Welcome To zero-2-land.com The Web Site Of Good Home Waste Management and Waste Reduction Equipment. Can-o-worms Aerobic Compostors How to use the system Useful Links ... The Shop of domestic waste is currently dumped in landfill sites causing contamination through lechate and methane gas build up, the vast majority of this waste could be reduced, reused or recycled. Our over packaged convenience food life style, produces ever increasing amounts of useless waste for the next generation to live with, how long does a plastic milk container take to fully degrade? zero-2-land has a unique domestic waste reduction system to meet individual consumer needs. The combination of material separation with environmental disposal, aerobic hot composting and fast track vermicomposting with the use of a special kitchen bin, can crushing and other accessories, will enable the caring household to manage their waste and achieve minimal landfill disposal. zero-2-land wheelie bin aerobic compostors, three bin system
Composting composting and Soil Improvements. composting provides a great naturalresource! Where we live, the soil is black clay (north Texas). http://www.tracker-outdoors.com/composting.htm
Extractions: Click Here Contact Us Composting provides a great natural resource! Where we live, the soil is black clay (north Texas). We have found that by using a compost, we can almost eliminate the need for commercial fertilizers to grow most vegetables, herbs and spices. Our compost is lined with rail-road ties (4 tall) but is open on one side for easy access. We put hay, table scraps, garden scraps, firewood ash, and manure from our cattle and horses in it. The materials in the compost are "turned" from time to time. The soil from the compost is great for starting new plants of all kinds as well as being tilled into the soil of the garden. This organically rich soil helps make the black clay much easier to work and provides nutrients for the vegetables. Neighbors barns and livestock auction houses are great resources for manure. Composting provides an environmentally safe way to transform biodegradable waste products into rich and fertile soil.
Meta Redirect Code Digital Fusion is a fully integrated, nonlinear composting and special effects postproduction system for the manipulation, processing, and special effects creation used in modern 35mm cinema film, broadcast video and multimedia projects. Tips and tricks on techniques for DF V2 and Post. http://www.eyeonline.com/
Composting To The Ultimate - Humanure Compost information on composting organic wastes, utilizing the indoor outhouse,sawdust toilets and how to recycle composted humanure. composting Links http://www.angelfire.com/mo/sasschool/compost.html
Extractions: We composte EVERYTHING! (Yes, even THAT stuff!) Here's how we do it: We save all of our organic stuff (banana peels, coffee grounds, yucky lettuce that was forgotten in the back of the veggie drawer, you know, "organic" stuff - anything the dogs and cats don't take care of), and put it in a triple bin a little way away from the house. Topped with straw, grass clippings, garden weedings, etc., it will break down into useable fertilizer in pretty quick order. (Occasionally, I get a wild hair and add some brand or the other of compost starter to enhance the biological process, but this is really not necessary.) This stuff is great used in the garden as either a worked in supplement to the soil or as a mulch or side dressing for the plants or fruit trees. (you will likely still have some volunteer tomato plants, but everything besides the tomato seeds breaks down very well, and we have found the freebies to be pretty darned good eatin') Since we are out in the boonies and have no piped in water to waste, we also use composting toilets. I highly recommend getting a grip on "the Humanure Handbook" and studying up before you tackle this - There are sites on the net, too, and you will find a sampling of them linked below.
Welcome A nonprofit environmental organization with a focus on waste reduction, reuse, recycling, composting, and climate change education. Discusses calendar, programs, participation and contact details. http://www.clean.ns.ca/
Composting Poultry Mortalities composting Poultry Mortalities. Principles of composting. composting is a natural,biological process by which organic material is broken down and decomposed. http://www.ces.uga.edu/pubcd/c819-15w.html
Extractions: Composter Types and Layouts Burying dead birds in disposal pits is a common practice for poultry growers. Composting has been developed as an alternative method of using dead birds in a more environmentally sound manner. The composting process converts dead birds into a brown humus-like material that can be spread on the land for crop utilization and soil improvement. This relatively inexpensive method of composting dead birds is gaining acceptance throughout the poultry industry. Composting is a natural, biological process by which organic material is broken down and decomposed. The composting process is carried out by bacteria and fungi which digest the organic material and reduce it to a stable humus. The principles of composting are quite simple just provide the microorganisms with an environment conducive to their growth a balanced diet, water and oxygen. The essential elements for the microorganisms involved in composting are carbon (C), nitrogen (N), oxygen (O2) and moisture (H2O). If any of these elements are lacking, or if they are not provided in the proper proportion to one another, the microorganisms will not flourish and will not provide adequate heat. The ratios of these elements ideal for composting dead birds are provided in detail in the Composter Management and Operation section of this publication.
D & S Worm Farm Sells Louisiana Nightcrawlers for bait, breeding stock, and composting. http://www.1dswormfarm.com/
Composting And Mulching composting AND MULCHING. A Guide to Managing Organic Landscape Refuse. Materialsfor composting. Many organic materials are suitable for composting. http://www.ces.uga.edu/pubcd/c816-w.html
Extractions: Extension Horticulturists Landscape refuse, such as leaves, grass clippings and trimmings, accounts for up to 20 percent of the wastes being placed in landfills. Bans on outdoor burning and laws which will limit dumping of leaves and grass clippings into landfills make composting and mulching attractive alternatives for managing yard refuse and recycling natural materials. Some cities provide composting areas as a means of disposing of grass clippings and leaves; however, many homeowners find it more convenient and economical to compost these materials in their own backyards. Finished compost can be used as a mulch or as a soil amendment. This publication will tell you how to build and maintain a compost pile as well as how to use the compost in the yard and garden. Why Compost?
Composting And Earth Information Resources composting and Earth Information Resources On The Web. The following list pointsto various resources on the web that deal with composting and earth issues. http://grn.com/library/compost.htm
R.Alexander Associates - Environmental Consulting Company - Composting And Organ The company, which is based in North Carolina, specializes in composting and the recycling of organic material. Its activities include compost market research and development, as well as product development, quality issues and end use. http://www.alexassoc.net/
Go 4 Green Composting The active living and environment program. Advises on materials to avoid in compost heaps. http://go4green.sask.com/home/garden/compost5.html
Oregon DEQ Composting Program Home Programs Solid Waste Program composting composting Facility Rulemaking.Commercial composting. Two Percent credit program for residential composting. http://www.deq.state.or.us/wmc/solwaste/composting.html