Animal Control Officer And Field Officer Information magazine equipmentlist.pdf (1MB)(miscellaneous resources) NACA GUIDE Action planwhen animals are suffering Caring for Your companion Animal In Spanish
Animal Care And Control injured or obviously sick companion animal that does miscellaneous Information AnimalCare and Control a community resource for information regarding animals.
Domestics miscellaneous. Learn about the truth of Toxoplasmosis by In Defense of animals http// your companion Animal is Shot by
Extractions: Disaster Planning Check out tips on protecting animals during natural disasters: Emergency Animal Rescue Service: Pets and Disasters by HSUS: Disaster Planning- Supplies on Hand: Disaster Planning by PETA: American Humane Society: Federal Emergency Management Agency: Stay Bite Free by HSUS: Adopting an Animal brochure: Adopt a Pet Pet Shops by PETA: Choosing a pet, bringing him/her home, and animal shelters: Don't Give Animals as Gifts by PETA: Pet Overpopulation Crisis Overview by In Defense of Animals: Overpopulation Statistics by HSUS:
Free Site X - Miscellaneous Free Stuffs miscellaneous Freebies In the event of a fire, earthquake, flood or other dangeroussituation, rescuers will know immediately how many companion animals are in
Extractions: ~~ Miscellaneous Freebies ~~ Pagoo - This great free service allows you to be online and answer phone calls on the same phone line. If you only have one phone line and you use it to get online then you probably miss some important calls while you're online. This service acts like a answering machine that works while your online. Recommended!! Jokes Gallery - Hugh archive of free jokes, categorized in over 20 categories. You can find here jokes about blondes, men, women, computers, political, religious and many more! Cool Wallpaper - This site has the coolest collection of 1000's of free wallpaper on the net. Categories include animations, cool cars, and tons of model wallpapers. A must visit site. World Wall D esktop wallpaper from photographers and graphic artists around the world. Landscapes, architecture, digital art, city scapes, and Chinese propaganda posters. 123 Wallpaper - 100's of free wallpapers of celebrities, models, background and various others.
Linkie Thingie: Miscellaneous Top miscellaneous. Linkie Thingie miscellaneous. links Homepages(13) personal homepages Pets (19) companion animals galore
Extractions: Top : Miscellaneous Linkie Thingie : Miscellaneous Home Add a Site Modify a Site What's New ... Search Categories: Links: Free Paper Dolls - Has links to several sites. Print the paper dolls out, glue to cardboard, and there you go! Has everthing from Sailor Moon to color-it-yourself 16th century style dolls. pop (Added: 29-Sep-2001 Hits: 270 Rating: Votes: 0) Rate It Barbie Bazaar - The magazine's webpage. Info about the latest Barbie collectables. (Added: 29-Sep-2001 Hits: 44 Rating: Votes: 0) Rate It Chop Talk - Motorcycle message Board (Added: 24-Sep-2001 Hits: 30 Rating: Votes: 0) Rate It Crayola Creativity Central - Designed to help parents, teachers and kids develop creativity. (Added: 12-Mar-2001 Hits: 41 Rating: Votes: 0) Rate It
Linkie Thingie: Miscellaneous Top miscellaneous Page 2. Linkie Thingie miscellaneous. Homepages(13) personal homepages Pets (19) companion animals galore
Extractions: Top Miscellaneous : Page 2 Linkie Thingie : Miscellaneous Home Add a Site Modify a Site What's New ... Search Categories: Links: Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center - The Center is in North Carolina, and is devoted to rescuing and caring for sick and injured sea turtles. They also protect nests along the Carolina beaches. Great pictures, good info, a fun site toss 'em a few bucks when you can, too! (Added: 30-Sep-2001 Hits: 21 Rating: Votes: 0) Rate It Sunbird Traders - Gift Shops and Web Mall Products - home made chocolate fudge (Added: 8-Jan-2001 Hits: 27 Rating: Votes: 0) Rate It The Humming Bird Website - Pictures and information about Hummers! (Added: 21-Jan-2001 Hits: 48 Rating: Votes: 0) Rate It The Hunger Site - Make a free donation by clicking. It was down for a long time, but now it's back.
NYC Pet Info Line-Donations For Adoption Organizations Mighty Mutts at 718946-1074 needs pet food, animal crates, pet carriers, leashes,miscellaneous pet supplies. New Yorkers for companion animals at 212-427
Extractions: What is Needed Animal adoption and rescue facilities are generally run as non-profit organizations, as such material goods are as much appreciated as monetary support. Following is a list of organizations that are in need of donated materials. For specific details, contact them directly. ASPCA at 212-876-7700 needs towels, pet food, and miscellaneous pet supplies. Being Kind at 212-726-2652 needs pet food and miscellaneous pet supplies. Bide-A-Wee Home Association at 212-532-4455 needs towels, sheets, pet food, toys, and miscellaneous pet supplies. Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition at 718-486-7489 needs towels, bedding,blankets, newspapers,paper towels, paper dishes, plastic trash bags, miscellaneous pet supplies,pet toys,leashes(new or used),cages, carriers,cat condos and an industrial strength paper shredder. Caring Animal Rescue Effort at 718-299-3153 needs towels, pet food, leashes, collars, pet carriers, and crates. City Critters at 212-691-2053 needs cat food, animal crates, cat condos, and miscellaneous pet supplies.
Tiscali - Search Birds, cats, dogs, fish, horses, reptiles, rodents and miscellaneous animals. a goodhome for their animal or for Free lost and found companion animal ads by
Extractions: Web-based pet registration service that matches the rabies tag with its owner by searching a database of registered pets. Best For Pets Free classifieds ads for individuals and businesses. Birds, cats, dogs, fish, horses, reptiles, rodents and miscellaneous animals. CIAD A.s.b.l. All Pets info Offers a central national and international pet registration system, and bulletin boards for lost and found pets. Cheshire Pets Free service for anyone wishing to find a good home for their animal or for those looking for that perfect pet to join their family. Pet related classified advertising including breeders, free personal pet related ads for Dogs, Cat, Horses, Small mammals and more. Flealess Market's Lost Pets International Free lost and found companion animal ads by country, state (province) and city, including the USDA's Missing Pet Network missing/stolen horses website.
RSPCA Australia - Policy & Position Papers or crib biting in horses Identification of companion animals Identification of 3.13.2, Welfare of animals at abattoirs Humane killing and H—miscellaneous. contents.html
Animal Welfare Links the resources you need concerning companion animals and wildlife! Organizations thathelp place shelter animals into adoptive Other. miscellaneous Organizations.
General Animal Links Animal Links Corey s Animal Welfare Webpage Animal Welfare companion animals; MagazineSubscriptions animals And Pets Cheap magazines Cats miscellaneous
Extractions: Animal Related Links Click here Section to be placed in: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Washington DC West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming National Other Canada All Other Countries Select Region Title: Description: About Six words URL: PLEASE SWAP A LINK BACK TO ANIMAL LINKS
LA/SPCA Volunteer Opportunities companion animals suffer without companionship. lifting and the use of small animalcapture equipment carpentry to painting, plumbing to miscellaneous fixit
Extractions: Adoption Counselor at the shelter Check-in and accompany visitors as they look for their new companion. Explain the policies and procedures of adoption to potential adoptees and assist them with all necessary paperwork, including the adoption contract. Make necessary data entries in computer. Collect adoption fees and walk new pet owner to the clinic for their petÂ’s exam. Adoption Team Member Assist with bathing and transporting adoptable animals. Set-up and breakdown off-site location. Talk with prospective adopters while they choose a new companion, helping them find a pet that fits their lifestyle. Explain the policies and procedures of adopting from the LA/SPCA and have them fill out all necessary paperwork, including the adoption contract. Collect adoption fees.
Good News For Pets > News Release Center than one species, also join this list, with miscellaneous grants for organizationdedicated to ensuring a healthier tomorrow for companion animals and wildlife
Extractions: Morris Animal Foundation Funds $2.4 Million in 2001: Announces 59 New Animal Health Studies ENGLEWOOD, CO, JANUARY, 2001 - Morris Animal Foundation proudly announces it is funding $2.4 million in humane animal health studies for fiscal year 2001. With this level of funding, the organization continues to establish itself as the world's largest foundation funding companion animal and wildlife health studies. To attain this goal, the Foundation added 59 new humane animal health studies to its list of 30 continuing studies. Canine: The Foundation is funding 19 new canine health studies addressing cancer, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal/digestive diseases, epilepsy, genetics, musculoskeletal diseases, pain management, skin diseases and urinary tract diseases. These 19 new studies join 13 others currently in progress, with canine health grants for fiscal year 2001 totaling $976,591. Equine: Among the new studies are 14 equine health studies addressing colic, digestive tract disorders, foal diseases, genetics, infectious diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, pain management and surgery. These 14 new studies join four others currently in progress, with equine health grants for fiscal year 2001 totaling $480,272.
Links To Other Sites (companion animals, wildlife, experimentation, vegetarianism, animals in entertainment). miscellaneous. people,a bill of rights for animals, questions about
Extractions: Inclusion of links in this list doesn't imply endorsement by Animal Liberation (SA). They are included because they contain information about animals rights issues - it's up to you to evaluate them. Animals Australia Animal Liberation (New South Wales) Animal Liberation (Victoria) Animal Liberation (Queensland) ... Choose Cruelty Free - includes a list of companies guaranteed not to test on animals Guardians World Animal Net (battery hens, fur, experimentation, also lists animal rights groups from all over the world) The Fund for Animals (hunting, wildlife, farming, overbreeding of companion animals, captive cetaceans) Veterinarians for Animal Rights (dissection, veterinary training, toxicity testing, research, farm animals, ethics) Animal Aid (experimentation, humane research, bloodsports, factory farming, vegetarianism, wildlife, zoos, circuses) People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (companion animals, wildlife, experimentation, vegetarianism, animals in entertainment)
Recent Posts 4, Classifieds / miscellaneous Calssifieds / GOLDEN RETRIEVER NEEDED, on May 09,2004 of quality medical/surgical care and compassion for all companion animals.
Extractions: Swine Dairy Beef Horse ... Contact Us Companion Animals Nutrition Management Guides are designed and written to provide practical guidance in the daily care of livestock. Please chose a category from the menu at the left or from the featured Guides below. Click on any of these articles for more information. Miniature Donkeys - a Small Pleasure
Image Gallery: Companion Animals Picture Index Pictures of companion animals like dogs, cats, and horses, being abused and used as commodities, in animal shelters, and for entertainment. Civet Farming . companion animals . Dog Cat Fur (Fur
The Nuzzled Network Illinois bases nonprofit organization that promotes animal issue awareness. The Nuzzled Network responds to violence and cruelty against animals. We seek to strengthen and enforce laws against
Careers : INTERNSHIPS & CAREERS : University Of Vermont information about canine careers and more (click on miscellaneous info Associationof companion Animal Behavior Counselors possible leads and contacts a
The Nuzzled Network problem! In Honor of all the Homeless animals *used with permission. monetarily.Please spread the word about animals, that is donation enough.