Teacher Parent Resources Teacher parent resources. Similar to The Yanoff List , but not limited to educational resources, this site is an CARL (colorado Alliance of Research Libraries http://www.smcps.k12.md.us/mbms/teachers.html
Extractions: Assessment (and other) Tools This is a set of forms including a schedule/contract defining expectations for the duration of the exercise, a resource record sheet, and a journal to help maintain student focus. Two rubrics are also included. One assigns point values to the various components of the weekly sessions in the library and the other suggests point values for different parts of the final submitted work. Teachers and librarians will appreciate this rich collection of reviews, curriculum ideas, and activities. Reviews are organized by title, author, type of book, and grade level, and educators can also look for ideas based on curriculum areas or themes. There's plenty here to help educators integrate literature into their curriculum. This packet of writing information was put together as a resource for students preparing to take the Maryland Writing Test in January. It reviews the writing process, gives narrative prompts and explanatory prompts, provides a variety of graphic organizers, and offers some rubrics (check-lists) to help in evaluating students' responses. Working through some of these activities with your student would provide additional practice in the writing process. "Just what is a correlative conjunction, and how is it used? How can essay writers compose an effective and interesting introduction? Writers will find answers at this comprehensive Web site. Clear explanations of key concepts, abundant examples of proper and improper usage, on-line quizzes after every topic, and expert help from "Ask Grammar" make this site an essential resource for wordsmiths everywhere. Created and maintained by Dr. Charles Darling and Capital Community-Technical College, this site is updated daily."
ColoradoKids.com - Education Programs mix of over 10,000 topquality educational resources can be found at School Crossing, a favorite place for parents, teachers, and kids in southern colorado. http://www.coloradokids.com/listings.php?category=education&type=resource®ion
Mountain Plains Regional Resource Center Enhancement Grants Abstract colorado education Employment Opportunities. Weber, Suite 200 colorado Springs, CO El Grupo Vida s parent Resource Center Rhonda http://www.usu.edu/mprrc/states/co.cfm
Related Internet Links - Autism Society Of Colorado Board Disabled Resource Services resources and Services in Larimer County Empower colorado - Support, education, and advocacy for parents and families of http://www.autismcolorado.org/links.htm
Colorado Parent - COLORADO - Parenthood.com - Colorado Adult Classes colorado Adult Classes. Parents and infants 2 weeks through precrawling. $50. Womens Health education at Swedish Medical Center , Englewood . http://colorado.parenthood.com/Articles.html?article_id=3519&segid=135
Health Education Resources For K-12 a Woman information for girls, parents, and teachers Hitlist Links for Health education (England); FAQs of colorado); Healthy Kids Resource Center Calif. http://www.indiana.edu/~aphs/hlthk-12.html
Extractions: [Alcohol Education Links] ... [On-Line Health-Related Publications] American Association for Health Education (AAHE/AAHPERD) (official) American School Health Association Comprehensive School Health Education Site National Center for Health Education School Health FactSheet (USDHHS) ... Healthy Kids Resource Center - Calif. Dept. of Education TeleHealth Project linking schools with health professionals Guiding Principles of Comprehensive Health Education Health Education Forum ERIC Clearinghouse on Teaching and Teacher Education Massachusetts 1994 Health Education Profile Survey ... Health Education Electronic Forum (HEEF) Health Education BBS and On-Line Continuing Education Health Education Professional Resources (HEPR) CHID Online - Combined Health Information Databases Univ. of Wisconsin Hospitals - Health Education
EDUCATION PLANET - 7250 Web Sites For Education of education Welcome to the colorado Department of further for your all-in-one education web guide. Fantastic resources for teachers, students, and parents. , http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Education/K-12?startval=30
Assessment Reform Network - Homepage incolorado parents Against CSAP Testing colorado Springs, colorado; Passed by the Ohio education Association *Flyer Just Two Moms *Sample Letter-parent Opt-out http://www.fairtest.org/arn/parents.html
Links For Parents The colorado parent Information and Resource Center, which is funded by the Department of educations Goals 2000 Educate America Act, produces this web page. http://www.parenting-ed.org/parents.htm
Extractions: http://arkedu.state.ar.us Parents and educators in Arkansas will find lots of good information about Arkansas schools. The site lists information on education frameworks, benchmarks, school standards, school choice as well as information about programs such as Smart Start, Arkansas Reading Excellence Project, No Child Left Behind, and Arkansas Reading First, etc. Arkansas Parents as Teachers http://www.greatschools.net This web site features school information about public, private, and charter schools nationwide. Parents can get profiles of schools in their area and compare them against other schools. There are also tips on how parents can help their child succeed in school that can be accessed through the Parent Resource Center. Lots of good information! Parents Place
TA FAQs (frequently Asked Questions) Parenting Skills And assistance related to parentING SKILLS AND parentING education. parent Training Getting the Most Effective Help Evaluation of the colorado Rethink parenting http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/qf/p2103_02.htm
Policies & Governance Federally Funded Programs. Standards Assessment. Teaching in colorado. Parents Community. education Associations. Selected Publications. Related resources. http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/policy/states/colorado/02_sea.htm
Extractions: OELA NCELA's Mission User's Guide to Resource Collection Contact Us ... Technical Assistance Site Search Policy State Resource Pages Colorado Back To Colorado ... Related Resources Colorado Education Policies and Governance Governance: State Education Agency Resources: Colorado Department of Education (CDE) English Language Acquisition Unit (ELAU) Migrant Education Program (MEP) Title III Guidance Refugee ESL Program ... Colorado Revised Statutes Title 22 Article 24: English Language Proficiency Act [text of ELPA also available from CDE] Rights of Immigrant Students to Enroll in Local Public Schools (English) Rights of Immigrant Students to Enroll in Local Public Schools (Spanish) Summary of Colorado legislative provisions Additional Instructional Program Funding for ELL Students? Higher Education in Colorado: Colorado Commission on Higher Education Colorado Public Colleges and Universities Community Colleges of Colorado Accredited Non-Public Higher Education Institutions in Colorado ... ASK AN EXPERT This page last updated: 03/26/2004 16:20:47
JFK Partners Disability Training & Inclusion Program Finance; colorado Department of education colorado State Assessment and Advocates Partnership for education; Family Voices; National parent Network on http://www.jfkpartners.org/links.asp
CIRCL: Center For Improving Resources In Children's Lives A resource for parents and educators and to serve as a resource and benefit Community Development Institute (CDI) Denver, colorado; education Development Center http://www.temple.edu/circl/links.html
Extractions: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Founded in 1987 by a group of concerned parents, CHADD works to improve the lives of people with attention-deficit/hypnationwide, CHADD is now the nation's leeractivity disorder through education, advocacy and support. With over 20,000 members and 200 affiliates ading non-profit organization serving individuals with AD/HD. Through collaborative leadership, advocacy, research, education and support, CHADD provides science-based, evidence-based information about AD/HD to parents, educators, professionals, the media and the general public. One A.D.D. Place A virtual neighborhood consolidating in ONE PLACE information and resources relating to Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.), AD/HD and Learning Disorders (LD). This site features webcasted interviews with professionals in the field. ADD in School ADDinSchool.com provides hundreds of classroom interventions to help those with Attention Deficit Disorder "ADD" or "ADHD." Content is geared toward both teachers and parents.
Creating An Early Education System In Colorado weve offered technical assistance and resources to these Once completed, rollout will begin so all colorado parents have access Fully Funded Early education. http://www.nccic.org/ccpartnerships/cases/colorado2.htm
Extractions: Creating An Early Education System in Colorado It isnt easy to be a parent with young children today. In 1994, 10.3 million children under the age of five had working mothers. Many parents struggle to find and afford child careor even to understand their childrens healthy development. Frequently, one or both parents must work outside the home to provide an adequate income, and many infants and young children spend large amounts of time in settings that dont help them develop to their full potential. Its hardly surprising that many of these children are poorly prepared to succeed in Kindergartenand beyond. Educare Colorado started in 1998 when a coalition of business, philanthropic, early education, industry, and government leaders took on the task of creating a statewide early education system. Although Educare is a new venture, it is rooted in a long history of early education improvement efforts in Colorado, including the Business Commission on Child Care Financing and other local collaborative initiatives. The Commission had many successes, including orchestrating a bipartisan strategy to create a voluntary tax check-off that allows taxpayers to donate a portion of their tax refunds to a child care quality-improvement fund. Yet, according to Douglas Price, Educare co-founder and Chairman of the Commission, "It quickly became clear that addressing early education issues within the state went far beyond looking at financing. A system needed to be created." In addition, business leaders understood that, given the new research on brain development, providing high quality care is essential to childrens futures and to the future of the state. The need for such a system with its careful attention to quality is clear.
Disability Resources EMPOWER colorado is an organization created by parents Support, education, and Advocacy for parents and families wide email listserve, education classes and http://www.cpco.org/links.htm
Extractions: Get Linked! Links are broken up into the following three categories: Colorado Resources Disability Resource Sites Cerebral Palsy Links Colorado Resources www.uchsc.edu/atp/ Assistive Technology Partners is a compilation of services, projects, activities, and research dedicated to enhancing access to assistive technology at home, school, work and play for individuals with disabilities, their families, employers, and professionals providing services. www.caccb.org The Colorado Association of Community Centered Boards (CACCB) is a statewide consortium of Community Centered Boards. This site provides information and links to all community center boards in Colorado. www.colorado2.com/ccdc/ The Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition is a statewide organization run by and for people with disabilities. www.cdhs.state.co.us/Text/ODS/dvr/ods_dvr1.html Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation www.eastersealsco.org/
D.A.T.E At The University Of Northern Colorado Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco education. Campus users. Our office provides information and resources to anyone on the UNC campus about substance use and abuse. http://www.unco.edu/studentactivities/date/date.html
Extractions: When most people think about college campuses, they think about the image portrayed by media either through exaggerated college student characters on television or in movies, or highlighting the irresponsible acts of a minority of students. However, studies show that most college students make responsible choices concerning their use of drugs and alcohol. Each spring UNC participates in the Core Survey which is a tool to assess actual student behavior in regards to drugs and alcohol. In Spring, 2002, we discovered that... Our office provides information and resources to anyone on the UNC campus about substance use and abuse. Please contact us at (970) 351-1136 if you have any questions.
Extractions: -photo: reprinted courtesy of El Semanario Spring 2003 By Padres Unidos Nationally, this was the first time Unzs initiative was defeated as a ballot issue. Ron Unz, chair of English for the Children, is a California multimillionaire software developer and former Republican candidate for governor. Unz launched a national movement to eliminate bilingual education across the country by amending state constitutions, with the ultimate goal being to amend the Constitution of the United States. He also spearheaded the defeat of bilingual education in California, Arizona, and Massachusetts, but his xenophobic anti-immigrant campaign met with fierce resistance in Colorado. On November 5, more than 56 percent of all Colorado voters opposed the anti-bilingual amendment and voted No on 31. Among other things, the amendment to the Constitution would have given all students only nine months to learn English before being placed into all-English classes. For many, this would mean a lifetime of being illiterate. And therein lies the importance of holding the line on bilingual education and defeating the likes of Ron Unz: Illiteracy and inequity in education translates into political and economic apartheid for millions of immigrant students.
Online Education And Training org/masterresults.cfm?pid=28 clr=666666 parent url http has links to several online education and training Systems (SOCY 4025) http//www.colorado.edu/conflict http://www.crinfo.org/v3-masterresults.cfm?pid=28
¡Colorín Colorado! Where To Go For Help parent Training and Information Center or a parent Resource Center. These centers can advise you on how to get a free independent education evaluation. They http://colorincolorado.org/home/wheretogo.html
Extractions: Where to go for help What should you do if you think your child is having a reading problem? Sometimes, children just need more time. But sometimes they need extra help from an expert. Trust your instincts! You know your child best. If you think there's a problem, there probably is. If you're not comfortable with English, please ask someone to interpret for you or bring a friend or relative to do so. Find out if your child needs extra help If your child is a preschooler, call Child Find.
¡Colorín Colorado! Resources Rockets is the creator of the Colorín colorado site. Schools That Welcome Parents. Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood education, Spanish Digests. http://colorincolorado.org/resources/
Extractions: This site provides links to hundreds of articles and publications on educating linguistically and culturally diverse students. Schools That Welcome Parents Guidelines for Reading Tutoring Sessions: English Language Learners Reading and English Language Learners Recommendations for instruction of English language learners within each of the Reading First components.