Extractions: To The Teacher: Civics and Government Policy. ca provides students with an excellent opportunity to learn about the workings of government, and to become involved in the democratic process. Among other things, policy. ca compiles political and policy-making data. These give students the means to explore concepts and issues including, for example: The site is particularly useful to teachers because it is organized around issues of social and political importance, making it easier to dealing with learning outcomes around government, the courts, law-making, and citizen participation in the democratic process. The site collects and organizes political documents such as briefing papers, legislation, commentary, and criticism, which are difficult to find in a general search. In fact, the range of resources available makes it possible to do in depth analysis around issues of the day, almost as they come to the fore. Students can then use the results of their research and analysis as in
EL Civics Curriculum - Fairfax County, VA know enough about computers to teach my students Also, you could design dictationactivities, information gaps information grids around the civics lesson topics http://www.aelweb.vcu.edu/publications/ELCivics/faq.htm
Extractions: As they are, the handouts that pop up in this online curriculum will probably have too small of a font, or too small of a space for your students to write their answers. To tailor the handouts to your liking, have a blank Microsoft Word document open. Highlight the whole handout (you can use "select all" under "Edit" in the toolbar at the top of your screen). Then right-click on your mouse and select "Copy." Now switch to your blank Word document, and paste the selected handout text into the document. Now you can add space, change font size, or make any other changes you would like. FAQ's about the computer components of lessons: What if an activity in the lesson or on the computer looks too hard or too easy for my students?
Nigeria Project international adjunct faculty to teach via cyberspace. Link Nigerian civic organizationswith peers abroad. Formative evaluation for continuing activities. http://nigeriaproject.emporia.edu/projectinfo.htm
Extractions: Partner Institutions Schools of Library and Information Management (SLIM) at Emporia State University (ESU), Kansas, U.S.A. Bayero University, Kano Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria The University of Maiduguri Return to Top Sponsors Bureau for Cultural and Educational Affairs College and University Affiliation Program U.S. State Department Return to Top Program Objectives For All Partner Institutions Establish telecommunication links between the institutions to facilitate communication for teaching, research, learning and program administration. Undertake collaborative funded research to investigate the impact of civics education, community analysis, information and computer literacy workshops on civil organizations in Nigeria. For Nigerian Partner Institutions Provide faculty and staff members with opportunities to expand their knowledge and skills in community analysis, information and computer literacy and global studies.
Classroom Management: A Positive Approach Active Listening teach your students to listen and to The series, along with activitiesand lessons, has to provide lessons in government, civics, and history http://www.todaysteacher.com/ClassroomManagement.htm
Extractions: Character Education Links Overview The ITC program for positive classroom management is based upon Life Skills and Lifelong Guidelines. It is our goal through this program to help to develop responsible citizens for the future. By focusing on the students who have proven to be responsible citizens, the rest of the students are encouraged to follow their example. In the classroom, students start with a "clean slate" every two weeks. At the end of that cycle they are given the opportunity to apply for a special badge, providing that they have received no notations during that two-week cycle. This badge entitles them to special privileges both in and out of the classroom, thus becoming a symbol of honor among our students. Notations can only be received by students who have made the choice to not follow the life skill guidelines established in the classroom. Students who have earned the right to wear the badges must first complete the application process. When they have completed the two-week cycle, they are given an application that they must have signed by key faculty at the school. All special area teachers, teacher assistants, administration, media specialists, and bus drivers that the student comes in contact with must sign this application signifying that the applicant has proven to be a responsible citizen in their presence as well.
Civics Education And Citizenship Preparation Resources overview of a sevenmonth civic participation project development process and includesactivities, worksheets, and uses immigration history to teach English to http://www.lacnyc.org/resources/civicslinks/
II ÅÆÅÃÎÄÍÀß ÍÀÓ×ÍÎ-ÏÐÀÊÒÈ×ÅÑÊÀß ÊÎÍÔÅÐÅÍÖÈ decision to study and teach Civic Education for me high school challenges participatingin different activities. Civic responsibility stays something subtle. http://www.samal.kz/civics2003/txt_3.htm
Extractions: Kazakhstan The theme Civic Education is of great interest nowadays. I have being working it out for 2 years. It was a logical decision to study and teach Civic Education for me, because I have covered two related courses with my students: Applied Economics and Youth Leadership. The final goal of Civic Education is to make my students compassionate, understanding, skillful in making judgments, able to resolve conflicts, accepting differences and understanding others points of view. I want them to be tolerant, forward-looking, respectful, creative, eclectic and considerate. I want them to be educated citizens of our state. All these qualities are gainful not only for students but for all people in our or any other society. You may say that the goals are too great to reach them. First I see that they are worth speaking, second, they are really meaningful. What is happening now? Every child from kindergarten through high school challenges participating in different activities. He gets social and educational experience. But in real life learnt in the classroom material does not benefit his aims. Civic responsibility stays something subtle.
MONTOURSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Wilkes University (2002) teach currently US Cultures II, US Cultures I/CivicsHave taught Contemporary Social Science. Other activities Assistant Boys http://www.montoursville.k12.pa.us/MHS/socsci.htm
Extractions: Have taught: Contemporary Social Science Other Activities: Assistant Boys' Basketball Coach, Advisor for the Class of 2003, Debate Club Advisor Favorite Aspect of Teaching: "Working with students who bring their energy, knowledge, and emotion to my classroom on a daily basis." Email: RDelong@montoursville.k12.pa.us Name: Nathan Gilbert Education: B.A. in History - Lycoming College (1997) Teach Currently: U.S. Cultures I and World Cultures Other Activities: National Honor Society Advisor, Assistant CrossCountry Coach and Assistant Track Coach Email address: ngilbert@montoursville.k12.pa.us
Extractions: WASHINGTON, D.C. - Who is responsible for making sure America's youth acquire the knowledge, skills, and practical experience needed to become good citizens? Some of the nation's most prominent organizations and leaders today acknowledged that the challenge is too big for any one group. To increase prospects for success, they formed a new alliance that brings together the energy of diverse groups and individuals in a coordinated effort to make the civic education of America's youth a national priority. The National Alliance for Civic Education (NACE) was launched with more than 80 group and individual charter members, including the National Council for the Social Studies, the American Federation of Teachers, the National Conference of State Legislatures, and Campus Compact. The coalition includes representatives of elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, civic education organizations, community advocates, public officials, and many others committed to advancing civic knowledge and engagement. Formation of the coalition was spurred by the disturbing rise in civic indifference, mistrust, and disengagement among young adults and by a recent report of the 1998 National Civics Assessment, which revealed alarming deficiencies in the civic knowledge of school children. The civics assessment, conducted by the National Assessment of Educational Progress, showed three-fourths of 4th, 8th, and 12' graders fail to exhibit a "proficient" command of civic knowledge and skills, the expected standard; and thirty percent are virtual civic illiterates, lacking a "basic" grasp of political institutions and practices.
Core Democratic Values We must teach people how to operate in a Polorid Camera Grade 4; Decision Making ActivitiesGrade 4; ED380401 Apr 95 National Standards for civics and Government; http://edcen.ehhs.cmich.edu/~dnewby/coredvalues5.html
Extractions: Core Democratic Values Lesson Plans Electronic Articles Authentic Assessment for Social Studies Building a Government Grade 3 - Suggestions for online activities Citizenship is a Special Status K-3 Community Helpers This lesson encourages students to learn about different professions. Grades 7-12 Character and Citizenship Education Grades 2-5 Impact of Government on the Individual The purpose to this activity, used during the early part of the school year in a required secondary government class Citizenship and the Constitution Creating a Cooperative Living Habitat: A Community Service-oriented Crossroads: Middle School Unit IV Objectives: The student will be able to: 1. explain the importance of state constitutions as testing grounds for constitutional design. 2. describe the government . Laws, Rights and Responsiblities - This teaching unit is an interaction-based plan providing strategies designed to promote student thinking about and reacting to the content. Triangles Are Not Bad!
Global Trends In Civic Education For Democracy. ERIC Digest. citizenship; (6) development of participatory skills and civic virtues through cooperativelearning activities; (7) use of literature to teach civic virtues; (8 http://www.ericdigests.org/1998-1/global.htm
Extractions: Source: ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education Bloomington IN. Global Trends in Civic Education for Democracy. ERIC Digest. Since the 1980s, there has been a global resurgence of democracy. In various regions of the world, people of different countries and cultures emphatically have approved of democratic principles and practices. And they have recognized that effective civic education is an indispensable means to the establishment and maintenance of democratic ideals and institutions. During the 1990s, there has been an unprecedented global dissemination of information about the theory and practice of democracy and civic education for democracy. Nine trends have broad potential for influencing civic education in the constitutional democracies of the world. TREND 1: CONCEPTUALIZATION OF CIVIC EDUCATION IN TERMS OF THREE INTERRELATED COMPONENTS Educators throughout the world are recognizing that civic education is teaching and learning the principles and practices of democratic governance and citizenship. Its interrelated components are civic knowledge, civic skills, and civic virtues.
Extractions: Source: ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education Bloomington IN. Civic Education for Constitutional Democracy: An International Perspective. ERIC Digest. The ideas of liberty, democracy, and constitutionalism have risen to global prominence in the 1990s, as major bastions of totalitarian communism have crumbled and collapsed. In various parts of the world, from Central and South America to South Africa to Central and Eastern Europe to Central Asia, newly empowered citizens have tried to build democratic foundations for their nation-states. And in their daunting pursuit of the "blessings of liberty," they have understood that new curricula for their schools are as important as new constitutions for their governments. Among other educational goals, they have recognized that schools must teach young citizens the theory and practices of constitutional democracy if they would develop and sustain free societies and free governments. Regardless of their differences in history, culture, and resources, all people interested in teaching constitutional democracy authentically and effectively must address general educational elements pertaining to civic knowledge, civic skills, and civic virtues. These general and basic categories of civic education may be treated variously by educators of different countries. But there are certain themes within each generic category that are international and transcultural. They are the criteria by which we define civic education for constitutional democracy. So, these defining characteristics or standards must NOT be avoided or violated by anyone who would teach authentically the knowledge, skills, and virtues of civic life in a constitutional democracy dedicated to liberty.
SCOE Census 2000 2000 and future censuses when our civicminded students involved in school and communityactivities that motivate Remember, teach CENSUS WEEK is March 13-17 http://www.scoe.net/census2000/activities.html
Extractions: School-Based Outreach Census 2000 Info Sacramento County Office of Education This is your future. Don't leave it blank. Home School-Based Outreach Census in the Schools Teacher's Guide Principal's Guide Census in Schools - A Scrapbook ... Video Broadcast Guide Suggested School Activities Ideas for School-Wide Activities and Events
Civic Education Centre in the society in separation, as well we can not teach lessons about The projectsmoreofted contain variety of civics related areas. Our areas of activity are http://www.jti.ee/en/civic/activity.html
Extractions: As well as we can not understand the developments in the society in separation, as well we can not teach lessons about the areas of societal life by topics isolated from each-other. Therefore Civic Education Centre deals with the Civic Education development projects, which very often are not determined and defined very clearly by their areas and topics. The projects moreofted contain variety of Civics related areas.
Civic Education Center - Jaan Tõnisson Institute as one of the most effective opportunities to teach and explain the and economicalbasis of society are mediated and active skills of civics are formed http://www.jti.ee/et/civic/english/
Extractions: Civic education as a school subject is in democratic states handled as one of the most effective opportunities to teach and explain the fundamental values of society to the young. Through civic education the knowledge of democracy, tolerance, political and economical basis of society are mediated and active skills of civics are formed in young people. Alongside with the development of civic education dealing with multicultural, citizenship and human rights problems became more and more topical in the society. In 1996 the Civic Education Programme was reformed into more independent and extensive structural subdivision - Civic Education Centre. The target groups of the activities of the Centre are history and civic education teachers, school headmasters, local government officials and members of other NGOs. In addition to its main activity - organizing in-service training seminars - the Centre started publishing books and study materials in 1995. Different projects have allowed us in years to publish lots of books and brochures on civic education, citizenship, multiculturalism and human rights issues both in Estonian and Russian language. The Centre has also produced two video films for compulsory schools.
Michigan Campus Compact We teach our high school students how a bill goes through congress To what extentdo service learning and civic engagement activities facilitate the http://www.micampuscompact.org/teleconferencequestions.html
Extractions: ~ Brett from Elon University (NC) 3. Women and people of color continue to struggle to be represented in the conventional political system, as a woman of color, how do you balance the need to work within the current system as it is, while trying to change this system? (Directed to Piyali Nath Dalal) ~ Barbara from Michigan State University 4. How important is networking between students at different campuses? If associations as such form, what should be their collective focus? ~ Rachel from Grand Valley State University (MI) 5. Isn't traditional politics the root of the problem that Fabricio mentioned? If so, why reinforce the current system? ~Molly from Indiana
Citizen Advocacy Center promoted handson civic education to teach young people of good citizenship into practicalactivities that use in which student s live as their, civics lab. . http://www.citizenadvocacycenter.org/teacher lesplns.htm
NDOL: New Dem Of The Week: Matt Brown Since a vital democracy requires an active citizenry, Brown have had a civic missionto teach students what civics 101 will help develop a new generation of http://www.ndol.org/ndol_ci.cfm?kaid=104&subid=116&contentid=252053
IEARN : News Civic Education and iEARN Projects learners; teachers teach and learn and studentsteach and learn It contains successful Warmup activities, an Overview of IEARN http://www.iearn.org/events/event_cairo2000.html
Extractions: iEARN CIVICS - CAIRO, November 10-14, 2000 I*EARN for Beginners. Getting started in iEARN projects, overview of online forums and website, reading and posting the online project forums, getting involved in projects, integrating projects into the curriculum. Local Organizational Development. This workshop will focus on how to develop a sustainable iEARN program in your local community or country, and will also provide a general overview of the structure of I*EARN as an international network.
Government And Civics Discovering DemocracyThis outstanding site contains lessons and activitiesfor teaching civics to primary and secondary students. http://members.tripod.com/exworthy/civics.htm
Extractions: U.S. Government and Civics Ethical Issues Census Information Election Process Civics ... U.S.Presidents S taff Dev. Lessons Links Teach Res ... Web Eval Ethical Issues The American Promise - A teacher's guide and lessons compliment this high school series on freedom, choices, and opportunity. Peace Corps Kid's World - Elementary students can learn about the Peace Corps, current issues and geography here. Youth and Society - Here is a unit that explores the rights and responsibilities of youth. This site asks middle and high school students to present ideas on how children can improve the world. Petition Online - Search for every imaginable petition available or create your own right here, great for politically involved students. back to top Election Process KidsVoting.usa - This site hopes to involve kids in the democratic process by having them become involved. Kids cast ballots on important issues and read returns. Youthevote- Here is the place for students to obtain information and cast their ballots for this year's election. The teacher's lounge has links to lots of election 2000 curriculum. About: Presidential Election 2000- This is a great collection of links to elementary level Election 2000 lessons and activities.