- Science Fiction, Children's Literature, and Popular Culture: Coming of Age in Fantasyland (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy) by Gary Westfahl, 2000-04-30
- Magic Shoelaces (Child's Play Library) by Audrey Wood, 2005-06
- Language and Ideology in Children's Fiction (Language in Social Life Series) by John Stephens, 1992-07
- Newspaper Nerves: Fiction 3 (Felicity Wishes) by Emma Thomson, 2004-07-15
- Legend of the Swan Children (Island Fiction) by Maureen Marks-Mendonca, 2009-03-02
- The Elephant's Child (Ulverscroft General Fiction) by Christian Anderson, 2002-10-15
- The Love Child (Ulverscroft General Fiction) by Antonia Swinson, 2001-08
- Child of Earth (Isis General Fiction) by Maureen Peters, 2001-08
- The Crane (New York Review Children's Collection) by Reiner Zimnik, 2003-11-30
- Nobody's Child by Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch, 2003-10-21
- The Seal Children by Jackie Morris, 2009-03-24
- The Heretic's Tomb by Simon Rose, 2008-04-01
- A River Lost (Childrens Young Adult Fiction) by L. E. Bragg, 1995-01
- The Undrowned Child by Michelle Lovric, 2010-02-04