- Nature's Predators - Grizzly Bears by Eleanor J. Hall, 2001-10-09
- The World of the Grizzly Bear by Walter J. Schoonmaker, 1968-01
- Grizzly bear recovery plan (SuDoc I 49.2:G 88/3) by Christopher Servheen, 1993
- Canada geese: And, Grizzly bears / Caroline Greenland (Getting to know ... nature's children) by Judy Ross, 1997
- Grizzly Bears (New Naturebooks) by Kathryn Stevens, 2007-08
- Wild beasts; a study of the characters and habits of the elephant, lion, leopard, panther, jaguar, tiger, puma, wolf, and grizzly bear; by John Hampden Porter, 2010-09-04
- Grizzly Bear (Road to Recovery) by Barbara A. Somervill, 2009-01
- Background for managing grizzly bears in the national parks of Canada, (Canadian Wildlife Service. Report series) by K. R. D Mundy, 1973
- Ephraim Ursus, American Pioneer: The Biography Of A Grizzly Bear by Philip Ashton Rollins, 2010-09-10
- Grizzly Bears
- Polar Bear and Grizzly Bear (Spot the Difference) by Rod Theodorou, Carole Telford, 1996-04-25
- Grizzly bear recovery plan (SuDoc I 49.2:G 88/3) by Christopher Servheen, 1993
- Grizzly Bears: Saving the Silvertip (America's Animal Comebacks) by Jacqueline Dembar Greene, 2007-07-31
- The Grizzly Bear: Portraits From Life