Economic Outlook: Volatile Economy Extends To The States Within the australian small to medium enterprise (SME are marked, not only betweenstates and territories but also between metropolitan and regional locations.
Extractions: Australian CPA October 2002 Economic outlook Steven Shepherd shows there's still no consistent picture across the economy At the current time there is a variety of economic trends and intelligence about the current strength and direction of the Australian economy. The key message from the latest data is that there is no one consistent picture of the Australian economy. On the one hand, the latest GDP figures, business investment expenditure and household consumption figures point to a robust economy. Yet on the other, different indicators demonstrate a softening of economic activity, with employment, small business profitability and business confidence, all being prime examples. With this degree of volatility evident across the economy, it should be not surprising that when the analysis is taken down to a regional level, even greater variability becomes apparent. Of all states and territories the highest growth in state final demand (a broad measure of economic performance) was the Northern Territory with growth of 9.7% for the year ending March 2002. Very strong growth in both public and private sector investment underpinned this performance.
Australian Dragon Boat Federation The MEMBERS, of AusDBF are the regional controlling associations. Theseregions generally correspond with australian states or territories.
Extractions: Org Structure The MEMBERS , of AusDBF are the regional controlling associations. These regions generally correspond with Australian states or territories. Individual dragon boat crews are affiliated with AusDBF via membership to their regional contolling association. Each regional controlling association is responsible for the development and control of dragon boat racing in their state or territory. The NATIONAL COUNCIL , is the AusDBF policy making body and is made up of delegates representing each member. Full Members send 4 delegates and Associate Members 1 delegate to meetings of the National Council. The National Council generally meets twice a year - the AGM held in conjunction with the National Championships in April, and again around November/December each year. The BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Org History Dragon Boat Racing in Australia Dragon boat races are held in Australia from Broome to Brisbane, from Perth to Sydney and from Adelaide to Darwin. The first Australian involvement with dragon boat racing occurred in 1980 when the Penang Tourist Development Corporation invited the WA Surf Life Saving Association to send a team to the Penang Festival. This was followed the next year by invitations from the HKTA to WA and NSW to send teams to what was then considered the unofficial world championships on Hong Kong Harbour. In 1984 Sydney held the inaugural Sydney Dragon Boat Festival at Farm Cove. The Western Australia Dragon Boat Association formed in 1984. All other mainland states and territories have subsequently formed State Associations to administer dragon boat racing in their region
Overview Of Funding Arrangements For Health Services In Australia arrangements in the new australian Healthcare Agreements is (to varying extents acrossStates and territories within hospitals and across regions has changed Status Report 98/ffo_fund.html
Extractions: OVERVIEW OF FUNDING ARRANGEMENTS FOR HEALTH SERVICES IN AUSTRALIA 3.1 BACKGROUND ISSUES Therefore, this report provides a very broad overview of funding arrangements for health services in Australia. These funding arrangements are extremely complex and vary between States, across programs and between publicly and privately provided services. They also change frequently. The aim is not to provide a detailed account of differences in funding arrangements between programs and across local and State boundaries, or to prescribe specific details of funding arrangements, either for health services generally or for telehealth. Rather, it is to identify the range of funding models which exist in Australia, in order to evaluate how different telehealth funding arrangements would operate within these models. Although the funding arrangements differ between States and Territories there are a number of aspects which are common: within the current Medicare Agreements, cross-border flows between States and Territories are reimbursed by the State of residency on a weighted casemix basis. non-hospital ambulatory medical services and medical services provided to private patients are subsidised by the Commonwealth on a fee-for-service basis, through Medicare. It should be noted that the level of provision of community-based medical services varies within and across States. For example, in the Northern Territory, the Territory government has greater responsibility for provision of community-based medical services because of the relatively lower proportion of private medical practitioners, and the greater geographical dispersion of the population.
Extractions: Skip Navigation WHAT'S NEW CONTACTS COMMENTS ... SEARCH INLAND WATERS Wetland Publications Go back to: DEH Home Inland Waters Wetlands ... Wetland Publications Information Package for Facilitators Department of the Environment and Heritage, 2004 Contents Previous Next The Australian Government provides national leadership on Ramsar through its environment legislation and policies. It coordinates implementation efforts across governments and communities through its environmental programs that build capacity for on-ground wetland conservation and management. The Government also facilitates key stakeholder networks involved in implementation; coordinates Ramsar national reporting and international liaison as well as managing wetlands in Government ownership (including eight Ramsar sites) and Government activities that impact on wetlands. The Government has a number of specific legislative, policy and program initiatives to implement its Ramsar responsibilities, including the
Extractions: Although there are many excellent studies of Australia's regional demography, these largely focus on individual regions, that is individual states and territories, and concern subregional distribution and migration. Few have examined, in comparative terms, what the combined effects of births, deaths, and migration mean for regional differences in the speed of ageing and onset of natural decline, or the associated social, economic, and political implications (see Hugo 1999; Felmingham, Jackson and Zhang 2002). Reflecting this deficit, most considerations of population ageing in Australia have a strong national focus, with the media regularly reporting that, for example, 'Australia's population of workforce age will rise until 2015 and stay constant after that' (Steketee 2001: 11). Such pronouncements ignore the implications of the marked differences in this indicator projected for each state and territory. Australia's system of government
Veterans' Home Care: Regions Note Statistical data and regional information for South Australia is nowavailable. These revisions do not affect other states and territories.
The Hon Dr Brendan Nelson MP - Media Centre states and territories rejected the australian Governments the funding forfeitedby the states and territories training places for each region are attached.
Extractions: Requirements for pneumococcal surveillance ... Reference Abstract Information on pneumococcal disease, including immunisation programs, and optimum future surveillance in each Australian State and Territory were discussed at the Pneumococcal Disease in Australia Workshop on 26-27 March 1999. Workshop participants further expanded on the surveillance aspects of the Workshop in this report. Most participants favoured notification by laboratories of pneumococcal isolates from sterile sites, to provide baseline surveillance data before immunisation programs are fully implemented. It was also thought that trends in antimicrobial resistance should be notified. Commun Dis Intell The available data on pneumococcal disease differ widely among jurisdictions in Australia. The situation was outlined by participants from each State and Territory at the Workshop. Workshop discussions about these data and optimum future surveillance for pneumococcal disease in Australia, have been expanded on and summarised below.
Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent antipsychotic medications increased in all states and territories. in the ACT andSouth Australia (SA), where change was similar in each region, namely, little
Extractions: Home An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie A cookie is a small amount of information that a web site copies onto your hard drive. Synergy uses cookies to improve performance by remembering that you are logged in when you go from page to page. If the cookie cannot be set correctly, then Synergy cannot determine whether you are logged in and a new session will be created for each page you visit. This slows the system down. Therefore, you must accept the Synergy cookie to use the system. What Gets Stored in a Cookie? Synergy only stores a session ID in the cookie, no other information is captured. In general, only the information that you provide, or the choices you make while visiting a web site, can be stored in a cookie. For example, the site cannot determine your email name unless you choose to type it. Allowing a web site to create a cookie does not give that or any other site access to the rest of your computer, and only the site that created the cookie can read it. Please read our for more information about data collected on this site.
Federal Court Of Australia - Legal Research Links states. australian Capital Territory New South Wales Northern Territory QueenslandSouth Australia Tasmania Victoria Western Australia. OTHER COUNTRIES, regions.
Extractions: General interest LEGAL RESEARCH LINKS Legal research links are regularly added to this page. To ensure their operability, links are verified at least every two weeks. Any suggestions for inclusion on this page may be forwarded to the email address entitled " Suggest a Link " below. INDEX SEARCH ENGINES COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Commonwealth Courts, Judgments
Extractions: Australia is divided into 7 states and territories, and being similar in size to the continental USA, has diverse geological and temperate regions. From lush, green valleys to the arid desert-like areas of the outback, endless adventures await both the visitors who prefer to rough it, as well as those who seek ultra deluxe seclusion. You may come face to face with creatures of the Great Barrier Reef one moment, and by days end, be in a World Heritage Rainforest. While in the land of OZ , you'll want to take in the culture and history of the land and her residents. The indigenous people have lived there more than 50,000 years, developing a unique affinity with the land. In learning about the Aboriginal community and the arts, you can't help becoming emotionally attached to this rich heritage, based on Aboriginal Dreamtime legends.
Extractions: ICSM Geodesy Projects The GDA coordinates of the Australian Fiducial Network (AFN) of permanently tracking GPS sites, and the Australian National Network (ANN)of existing GPS coordinated survey marks, were determined by the processing of global GPS observations (Morgan, 1996). This "spine" adjustment is an ICSM cooperative effort, with AUSLIG project managing, and each jurisdiction supplying and validating the data for their area. The dataset consists of: This results in a data set of more than 70,000 observations and over 7,000 stations. sections Although the process is a mathematically rigorous 3 dimensional adjustment, only the horizontal positions are to be adopted from the adjustment. The Australian Height Datum (AHD) is not affected The results of this adjustment will be used by the State and Territory authorities to constrain their supplementary networks, as a continuation of the GDA implementation.
Extractions: October 2002 This is a list of all the information products (including text, maps, graphs and data) for each of the Audit's major topics. Each topic has a number of products. All products are available for the Australia-wide region and some products are available for other regions of interest including states and territories and drainage basins. Topic Information Product Region of Interest Agriculture Australia Australia Australia Australia : State : Statistical Division : Statistical Sub-Division : Statistical Local Area Australia : Industry Region Australia : Industry Region Links to the 'Dairying for Tomorrow' website Australia : Industry Region Australia : Industry Region Australia : Industry Region Australia : Industry Region Coasts Estuary Assessment 2000 Australia : State : Basin : Estuary Tools and information to support estuary management Australia Understanding estuary condition Australia Understanding estuary processes Australia Dryland salinity Australia : State Australia : State Australia Australia : State Australia : State Australia : State Australia Irrigation Australia Australia : State Australia : State Australia : State Australia : State Land Australian Catchment Condition Australia Australia Landuse 1996/97 Australia : State : Basin Australia Australia : State : Basin Natural Resource Economics Australia Australia Australia : State : Basin Australia : State : Basin Australia : State : Basin Australia People Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Rangelands Australia : State : IBRA
Extractions: The Audits Vegetation Theme Work Plan (Cofinas et al. 1999) was developed in collaboration with State, Territory and Commonwealth agencies and was designed to specify and schedule a series of project tasks to: The products specified in the work plan were: a framework for the National Vegetation Information System that includes nationally consistent specifications for data attributes and standards; an archive of all vegetation data received and translated into the data compiler according to the specifications and standards; metadata meeting Australian New Zealand Land Information Council standards (page 0) and agreed page 1 attributes;
Extractions: Advanced search Media release from Senator, the Hon Amanda Vanstone, Minister for Justice and Customs 20 September 2000 Minister for Justice and Customs, Senator Amanda Vanstone, today launched the first ever national Atlas of Crime in Australia Senator Vanstone launched the Atlas, prepared by the Australian Institute of Criminology [AIC], at an AIC conference in Adelaide. "This Atlas will be a valuable tool for all those involved in fighting crime," Senator Vanstone said. "It gives governments, at all levels, a basis for directing crime prevention programs and also gives law enforcement factual information about the differences in crime patterns across Australia." "This is the first time such a comprehensive picture of crime right across Australia has been presented in this way." "The Atlas highlights the differences in crime patterns across states and territories and across regions, including suburban areas, within those states and territories. In particular, it concentrates on five types of crime: Armed robbery Unarmed robbery Residential break and enter Non-residential break and enter Motor vehicle theft"
Bounding Rectangles For Australian Regions Major regions. Australia (AUS). META name= northlimit CONTENT CONTENT= 165.6 states. australian Capital Territory (ACT). META name