Nouveautés Avril 2003 aliments et Cote 509.714 Z6 V-1. villano, Franck ; Centre d éducation du
Extractions: Nouveautés - avril 2003 D'Astous, Alain, 1952- ; D'Astous, Alain, 1952-. - Comportement du consommateur / Alain d'Astous ... et al. - Montréal : Chenelière/McGraw-Hill, c2002. Cote : 658.8342 C65 . La Rocque, Guillaume de. - Dictionnaire pratique de l'anglais des affaires / Guillaume de La Rocque ; trad. de Sasha Mann et Guillaume de la Rocque, avec la collab. de Rupert Swyer, Peter Denoyer et Dominique Pitte. - Paris : Ellipses-Marketing, c1998. Cote : 650.03 L3D. Libby, Robert ; Libby, Robert. - Fondements de la comptabilité financière : approche dynamique / Robert Libby ... et al. ; trad. de l'anglais par Jeanne Charbonneau, Louise Durocher, Suzanne Geoffrion. - Montréal : Chenelière/McGraw-Hill, c2003. Cote : 657 F64. Mercier, Jean-Pierre. - Mesurer et développer les performances / Jean-Pierre Mercier. - Montréal : Québécor, c2003. Cote : 338.06 M47M. Mintzberg, Henry, 1939- ; Harvard business review ; Mintzberg, Henry, 1939- et al. - Le Leadership / Harvard business review ; préf. de Franck Riboud ; Henry Mintzberg ... et al. - Paris : Éditions d'Organisation Paris : L'Expansion management review, 2001, c1999.
Villano-way! VU Pulls Off Miracle - The Daily Targum - Sports villanoway! VU pulls off miracle. RAC plays host to streak-killing winBy Brent Johnson, Staff WriterStaff Writer Published 3/12/2003
I N T R 0 D U C T I 0 N criado; a pastor can be at the same time a rústico, a serrano, a labrador, and/oran aldeano, all of whom in fact could be subsumed under the category villano
Extractions: by Jean S. Chittenden Character names have always been of interest to the scholar, since the author's choice of names for his personages may often reveal a great deal about the character himself or about his role in the literary work in which he appears. The work which Professors Morley and Tyler[l] have done in analyzing the names-used by Lope de Vega in his comedias has served to point out the need for a similar study of the names in the comedias of Tirso de Molina. This study has as its purpose the investigation of the character names in the sixty-one plays known to have been written by Tirso de Molina. Not only will it consider the correlation of name with social status, but it will compare the names used by Tirso with those used by Lope de Vega, and insofar as possible with those in vogue during the time when Tirso was writing. The plays used are those listed by Professor Morley in an article in Hispanic Review [2], with the addition of two other plays which seem unquestionably to be Tirso's La firmeza en la hermosura and Quien da luego, da dos veces
Extractions: Conditions requiring a burn permit include any burning outside a burn barrel, and piles of grass, trash, trimmings and brush can only be in a pile no larger than 10-by-10 feet only during the months of November through April, and must be extinguished by 5 p.m. Burning in any other month during the year is only permissible between 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Extractions: Bristol Township - Ralph Waldo Emerson Elementary School is the first Bristol Township elementary school to jump on the Truman stadium renovation bandwagon. Student council members, representing third-, fourth- and fifth-graders, voted to purchase a $75 fund-raising brick for the stadium renovation instead of buying soccer balls or other playground equipment. Student council moderator Cathy Ivins presented the check to the stadium renovation committee with hopes that other schools might follow Emerson's lead, she said. The school board approved a $1 million loan for the project last month to ensure a $1 million matching grant awarded in the fall by former Gov. Mark Schweiker. The stadium renovation committee will pay the debt service on the loan with grant money, corporate and private donations. The student representatives talked about their reasons for voting yes to the bricks during a recent lunchtime meeting.
Extractions: Contribuciones de los Usuarios Comentario : Recordada fundamentalmente por ser el último film protagonizado por quien fuera uno de los más grandes actores del cine norteamericano Gary Cooper-, THE NAKED EDGE titulada en España SOMBRAS DE SOSPECHA-, viene a ser en definición sucinta una tan típica como hábil, tramposa, eficaz, discreta y finalmente inquietante realización inequívocamente british de finales de los cincuenta e inicios de los sesenta. Producción que prefiere decantarse por unas fórmulas tan trilladas como eficaces de suspense, antes que imbuirse aunque en algunos de sus instantes iniciales puede hacer pensar en ello-, en un thriller psicológico que ya adquiría carta de naturaleza en Inglaterra en aquella época teniendo su exponente más prestigioso en la figura de Joseph Losey.