Web Directory: /Arts/Literature/Authors/S/ Paullina 1 Simpson, Louis 1 Sinclair, Iain 1 Sinclair, Jennifer 0 Sinclair,Upton@ 8 Singer, Isaac Bashevis 3 siniavski, andrei@ 5 Sinyavsky http://web.politinfo.com/index.cgi?base=/Arts/Literature/Authors/S/
Web Directory: /Arts/Literature/Authors/T/Tertz, Abram/ book. Collection of Russian Activist andrei siniavski Comes to Archives(Alexa Site Info) Hoover Institution Newsletter Fall 1998. http://web.politinfo.com/index.cgi?base=/Arts/Literature/Authors/T/Tertz,_Abram/
S Authors Literature Arts Louis; Sinclair Iain; Sinclair - Jennifer; Sinclair - Upton ~; Singer- Isaac Bashevis; siniavski - andrei ~; Sinyavsky - Andrey ~; Skelton http://www.interactiva.org/Dir/I/English/Arts/Literature/Authors/S/
URSS 1965-1985 Translate this page Février 1966 les écrivains andrei siniavski et Youri Daniel sont condamnés auxcamps pour lintroduction en URSS de leurs écrits publiés à létranger http://www.sciences-sociales.ens.fr/hss2002/societe-pouvoir/chronologie/URSS1965
Literatureseek.com Tertz,_Abram Collection of Russian Activist andrei siniavski Comes to Archives profile http//www-hoover.stanford.edu/pubaffairs/newsletter/98fall/siniav.htmlHoover http://www.literatureseek.com/categories/Arts__Literature__Authors__T__Tertz,_Ab
Creacion biografía en vez de una hoja de servicio ha dicho andrei siniavski en sus http://www.eud.com/verbigracia/memoria/N57/contenido02.htm
Mirago : Arts: Literature: Authors: S Sinclair, Upton @ (8); Singer, Isaac Bashevis (3); siniavski, andrei@ (5); Sinyavsky, Andrey @ (5); Skelton, John (2); Slonczewski, Joan http://www.mirago.fr/scripts/dir.aspx?cat=Top/Arts/Literature/Authors/S
Author Quotes And Biography Sites - S Charles Simic Neil Simon Paullina Simons Louis Simpson Iain Sinclair Jennifer SinclairUpton Sinclair Isaac Bashevis Singer andrei siniavski Andrey Sinyavsky http://www.matchc.com/authors_s.html
Acesta E Un Site Creat De Brega Fr. pomenit de douà ori, dar nu i se iau în seamà càrtile de màrturie ; Saharovamintit de douà ori, Leonid Pliusci o singurà datà, andrei siniavski o datà http://www.ournet.md/~joburi/goma/scrisuri84douascrisori.html
Extractions: www.paulgoma.net Cãrþi de PG format .pdf Mana-in sat la PG Bio-bibliografie ... www.brega.org Paris 12 ianuarie 1998 Pe marginea volumului Le livre noir du communisme n Timpul din decembrie 1997, la rubrica Poligraf, Dorin Spineanu ncearc o dare de seam a volumului recent ap rut la Paris. ncearc - am spus, pentru c , gr bit, comite c teva erori : eroare de lectur : scrie (mai si subliniaz " indicele alfabetic al lucr rii cuprinde doar un singur nume de rom n , Virgil Ierunca si - se pare - iadul care a fost aici este cuprins ntr-o singur pagin " Inexact : Indicele " cuprinde " " nume de rom n(i) " ns nu din aceast pricin trebuie s fim noi, Rom nii, nemultumiti ; eroare de informare " Asa a p tit dl. Banu R dulescu, initiatorul revistei Memoria " Asa, cum ? Citez iar : " Criminalul regim Iliescu a obstructionat orice demers n acest sens, merg nd p n la violente fizice mpotriva celor care doreau s ne mprosp teze memoria " , explic Dl. Spineanu. " criminalul regim Iliescu " ? Nu - ns nici la obstructia lui Banu R dulescu nsusi, din chiar momentul aparitiei revistei
Acesta E Un Site Creat De Brega Fr. aflati in acel moment in Gulag (ca Daniel si siniavski), precum si intr o vizita laParis, remarcata prin ambiguitatea discursului, andrei Plesu propovaduia cu http://www.ournet.md/~paulgoma/pg-dorul.html
Extractions: A-l prezenta pe Paul Goma cititorilor ar constitui o jignire adusa acestora, presupunand ca nu ar fi auzit de Domnia sa. Desi memoria, la noi, nu pare a constitui calitatea primordiala, intrucat astazi, batuti de vantul amneziei colective a ultimilor zece ani, Romanii din exil au ajuns a nu mai avea aceleasi valori comune de dinainte de 1989. - Domnule Goma, a frecventa sau nu, astazi, ambasadele noastre este un subiect extrem de controversat. In lipsa unor reforme fundamentale ale structurilor ministerelor de Interne si Externe, frecventarea acestora apare ca o eroare sigura, dand prilejul la recuperari si la slabirea unitatii de actiune a Exilului.
Dissidência Translate this page Tirando alguns casos excepcionais, nomeadamente o de andrei Sakharov, os dissidentes seguidado processo e da condenação dos escritores siniavski e Daniel http://www.zonanon.org/non/abc/disside.html
Extractions: A dissidência, na história da União Soviética, constituiu um movimento historicamente datado e foi durante muito tempo uma das poucas formas de oposição ao regime, cujo programa e cuja acção visavam principalmente a defesa dos direitos do homem. Os cidadãos russos que se reclamavam deste movimento, ou que simpatizavam com ele, designavam-se a si próprios como "os que pensam de outra forma" ou como "os defensores dos direitos". De facto, a designação "dissidente" impôs-se, no sentido mais restrito de "dissidente soviético", sobretudo nos meios de comunicação ocidentais.
Hoover Acquires Siniavki Papers: 10/7/98 The Hoover Institution has acquired the papers of the Russian writerand human rights activist andrei siniavski. siniavski s writings http://news-service.stanford.edu/news/1998/october7/siniavski107.html
Extractions: Hoover Institution acquires papers of Russian writer and right activist, Siniavski The Hoover Institution has acquired the papers of the Russian writer and human rights activist Andrei Siniavski. Siniavski's writings and his trial for allegedly publishing anti-Soviet slander in foreign countries are considered key in mobilizing the human rights movement that contributed in significant ways to the forces that discredited and toppled the Soviet system. "Siniavski was a writer whose fiction provoked the regime to frenzy and galvanized the movement that eventually brought it down," said Hoover Institution Senior Research Fellow Robert Conquest after hearing about the acquisition. Beginning in the 1950s, Siniavski sent abroad writings under the pseudonym Abram Tertz that he could not publish legally in the Soviet Union. He was arrested in 1965, tried in 1966 and sentenced to forced labor. Demonstrations against the trial galvanized young intellectuals, among them Vladimir Bukovsky and Alexander Ginzburg, and inducted them into the human rights movement. In response to international protests at Siniavski's mistreatment, the regime allowed him to emigrate to France in 1973.
Hoover Digest- 1999 No. 1 The papers of andrei siniavski, the Russian writer and human rights activist whosetrial for allegedly publishing antiSoviet slander in foreign countries was http://www.hooverdigest.org/991/palm.html
Extractions: 1999 No. 1 Charles Palm Two Eras The Hoover Archives has recently acquired important new materials that document both the history of communism and the difficult transitions to democracy that took place in Russia, Latin America, and elsewhere once the Cold War was finally over. Leo Tolstoy once wrote, No one who has not sat in prison knows what the State is like. The prison camps of the Soviet Gulag, as much as any other aspect of Russian life, defined the Soviet system. Witness the following: In so many ways, the history of the Gulag is the history of Soviet communism. In June 1998, the Hoover Institution signed an agreement with the State Archives of the Russian Federation to publish the records of the Soviet Gulag. A microfilm edition will include 1.5 million pages of documentation from the Soviet Archives, covering the entire history of the Gulag from 1922 to 1960. In addition, key documents selected from the Gulag Archives will be published in six volumes. The project will take about three years to complete.
Extractions: Accueil Recherche par sujet Abonnement à la Lettre du diploweb.com www.diploweb.com Géopolitique Bibliographie pour l'étude de l'information et la désinformation, par Alexandra Viatteau, enseignante en sciences de l'information Sun Tzu, "L'Art de la Guerre". Carl von Clausewitz, "La Guerre". Pierre Nord, "L'Intoxication", Editions Rencontre, 1971. "Opérations psychologiques et guerres médiatiques", in revue "Enjeux Atlantiques", n° 16, spécial, décembre 1998. Guy Durandin, "Le double langage dans l'hitlérisme", revue "Historiens et Géographes", n° 336, juin-juillet 1992. (Lire le document en ligne à l'adresse http://www.diploweb.com/p7dura2.htm Guy Durandin, "L'Information, la désinformation et la réalité", coll. Le Psychologue, éd. PUF, 1993 (Lire un extrait à l'adresse http://www.diploweb.com/p5dura1.htm
Claudio Chieffo Translate this page La diffusione spontanea delle sue canzoni è il segno della rilevanza di un fattocreativo autenticamente popolare lo scrittore russo andrei siniavski ha più http://www.claudiochieffo.com/chieffo.html
Extractions: Ha tenuto in questi anni migliaia di concerti in Italia, Svizzera, Austria, Germania, Polonia, Russia, Slovenia, Croazia, Cecoslovacchia, Francia e Spagna, mentre alcune sue canzoni, Lui mi ha dato i cieli, Il Signore ha messo un seme, Io non sono degno, Se non ritornerete come bambini, Il popolo canta la sua liberazione, Ave Maria splendore del mattino, sono tradotte in diverse lingue e cantate in molti paesi del mondo.
Arts Literature Authors S Sinclair, Iain (1); Sinclair, Jennifer (0); Sinclair, Upton @ (8); Singer,Isaac Bashevis (3); siniavski, andrei @ (5); Sinyavsky, Andrey http://freshlinks.net/odp.aspx/Arts/Literature/Authors/S/
Extractions: Translate to: German French Spanish Portugese ... Authors : S A B C D ... R S T U V W ... Sahakyan, Yuri - Author of over 30 books, most of them for children. Setton, Ruth Knafo - Moroccan-Jewish author of 'The Road to Fez'. Site contains excerpts of her work and links to publishers. Smith, Deborah - New York Times best selling author of southern fiction and women's fiction.
Istoricii Au Nevoie De Arhive Sa ocupat de achizitionarea câtorva sute de colectii de documente, între caremanuscrise ale dizidentului sovietic andrei siniavski, scrisori personale ale http://www.itcnet.ro/history/archive/mi2000/current7/mi18.htm
Extractions: Magazin istoric, Doamna Danielson, care este specificul si importanta Arhivei pe care o conduceti? Il cunoasteti pe domnul profesor Stephen Fischer-Galati? Realizam, la Hoover Institution, ca intelectualii au avut informatia, dar nu au reusit sa comunice cu clasa politica. Accesul istoricilor la documente trebuie sa fie unul total, nelimitat, sau exista anumite limite rezonabile? Dosarul. Credeti ca formula germana este valabila pentru toate tarile din Europa de Est care au cunoscut un regim comunist? Dar sa stiti ca si americanii au propriile probleme. Daca vrei sa vezi un dosar elaborat de CIA sau FBI despre tine nu este foarte usor. Si la noi exista dosare ale politiei secrete la care este dificil sa ai acces. Sper doar ca dreptul victimelor represiunii sa capete consideratia necesara. Va multumesc. A consemnat Dorin MATEI
BestShopSearch Reviews, News, Compare Prices Hoover Acquires siniavski Papers 10/7/98 The Hoover Institution has acquiredthe papers of the Russian writer and human rights activist andrei siniavski. http://www.bestshopsearch.co.uk/homegarden/shop4/n/hoover/4p0p16
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Web Directory Singer, Isaac Bashevis (4); siniavski, andrei@ (5); Sinyavsky, Andrey@(5); Skelton, John (2); Slonczewski, Joan@ (1). Smiley, Jane (2 http://www.hotelveramar.com/web.directory/Arts/Literature/Authors/S/