- The Santa Barbara Guest - "Bienvenido Convidado!" (Welcome, Invited One!) (Vol. 20)
- The symbolism of the Santa Barbara Presidio by Francis F Guest, 1968
- Outside of this, that is by Barbara Guest, 1999
- Biography by Barbara Guest, 1980
- Port: A murder in one act by Barbara Guest, 1964
- Poems (The Location of Things, Archaics, The Open Skies) by Barbara Guest, 1962-01-01
- MOSCOW MANSIONS POEMS by Barbara Guest, 1973
- Often, a Play: Kenning No 2 by Barbara Guest, Kevin Killian, 2001-01
- Moscow Mansions by Barbara Guest, 1973-01-01
- Krasner/Pollock: A Working Relationship by Barbara (Guest Curator) Rose, 1981
- The Santa Barbara Guest - "Bienvenido Convidado!" (Welcome, Invited One!) - 18 Jan 1956 (Vol 20, No 1)
- Fair Realism. by Barbara. GUEST, 1995
- oblek (A Journal of Language Arts, 5) by John Ashberry, Joseph Ceravolo, et all 1989
- Burning Deck 3 - Fall 1963 by Bernard, James Camp, D.C. Hope (Editors); Robert Creeley, Barbara Guest, Kathleen Fraser, Fielding Dawson (Contributors) WALDROP, 1963-01-01