Informations Généalogiques Translate this page Père Larger, Franciscus Mauricius Mère ackermann, Agnès. Cartier, Anne LouiseNaissance 26 juillet 1839 à Chantenay,72,FRANCE Parents Jenn, victorine.
Søren Petersen Tuxen (ca. 1635 - 1678) af skuespiller, justitsråd Corfitz Seemann og victorine Mathilde Tertia (1) AxelineLouise Adelaide Tuxen Frantz Sommer og Magdalene Elisabeth ackermann) d. 4
Anthologie/Poésie/Astronomie louise VictorineAckermann La Comète, 1861 (extrait, dans Poésies, Paris 1874);
Extractions: Akhenaton : Hymne au Soleil (extrait) Nonnos : Hymne au Soleil (extrait des Dyonisiaques, chant XL, trad. Mario Meunier) Proclus : Hymne au Soleil (dans Hymnes Philosophiques, trad. Mario Meunier, Paris 1935) Alfred Jarry : Du soleil, solide froid (Gestes et opinions du docteur Faustroll, pataphysicien, Fasquelle, 1911) Raymond Queneau : Le soleil (extrait de Petite Cosmogonie Portative, Gallimard, 1950) Jean Tardieu: Le Soleil (extrait de La part de l'ombre, Objets incommensurables 1950-1961, Gallimard)
RUDOLPH ACKERMANN RUDOLPH ackermann. ackermann, RUDOLPH (17641834), Anglo-German inventor andpublisher, was born on the 2oth of April 1764 at Schneeberg, in Saxony.
Literature/Authors/A - Fractured Atlas Links Directory Abbott, Edwin A. (3). Abe, Kobo (12). Achebe, Chinua (15). ackermann, LouiseVictorine (1). Acosta, Oscar Zeta (1). Adams, Deborah (1). Adams, Douglas (67).
Extractions: Le Dictionnaire historique et biographique du Comté de Nice vise à répondre à un maximum dinterrogations. Il présente dabord les personnages et parfois les familles qui se sont illustrés dans la politique, ladministration, la carrière des armes, léconomie, la science, le monde des idées, la littérature, les arts plastiques, larchitecture, la musique, la vie religieuse, le sport. Certains grands événements ayant marqué lhistoire du Comté sont également passés en revue.
Arts/Literature/Authors/A Sites by, or about, authors of literaturewhose last names begin with A. / Arts / Literature / Authors / A.Search Category
Extractions: At we appreciate the diversity of people's interests and choices of leisure activities. To accommodate one and all, we embrace a wide variety of activities, from mainstream interests to eccentric tastes for art and entertainment. In order to keep our content fresh, our database is updated on a regular basis. Furthermore, we regularly add new categories to the directory, incorporating novel types of arts, recreation, and entertainment. So if you're looking for a great new restaurant, selecting an opera to attend, or looking for a place to see live comedy, you are likely to find it within Thank you for visiting, the comprehensive search portal dedicated to the arts. We hope you come to realize why so many people turn to our search portal to read and learn about their favorite leisure activities. With a wide variety of diverse content, you're bound to find information about your favorite pastime. You may even develop a newfound love for an entertainment you never even knew existed! Back to top Ticketmaster
Wwriters Translate this page This database contains information about the literary production of European women, and the ways in which contemporaries and literary critics of both sexes
Extractions: Select an author from the list: Select an author from the list Aars, Elise Abeille, Marie-Françoise de Ackermann, Louise Agoult, Marie d' Agreda, Sor Maria de (Coronel de Jesus) Agrell, Alfhild Aguilar, Grace Ahlbom, Mathilda Ahlefeldt, Charlotte von Ahlgren, Catharina Aigremont, Marguerite de Aïssé, Charlotte Elisabeth Albert, Marie-Madeleine Bonafons d' Alberti, Sophie Albrecht, Sophie Alcock, Deborah Alcott, Louisa May Aldenburg, Charlotte-Sophie Allart, Hortense Ancelot, Louise Andreini, Isabelle Anoniem Duits 1! Anoniem Duits 2 Anoniem Engels 2 Anoniem Spaans Anonyme Anglais 3 Anonyme française (1755) Arbouville, Sophie d' Archambault, Mademoiselle Arnauld, Marie Angélique de St. Jean d'Andilly Arnauld, Mère Agnès