Extractions: Who am I? CADET is basically a program for calibration and deconvolution of astronomical images in FITS, BMP and JPEG formats. See a screenshot CADET is a graphical processor with powerful functions and in continuous evolution. Additionally to calibration and deconvolution , it has a variety of graphic functions such as: Thanks to Jordan Russell and his very fine Inno Setup program, CADET installation and uninstallation is now automatic. You can get the DJGPP compiler in ftp.simtel.net server, directory pub/simtelnet/gnu/djgpp or in any of its mirrors. This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. JPEG file handling in CADET software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
Observational Mishaps Observational Mishaps. Compiled by Kaspar von Braun, Kristin Chiboucas, Denise HurleyKeller. Department of astronomy, University of Michigan. http://www.astro.lsa.umich.edu/users/kaspar/obs_mishaps/mishaps.html
Extractions: Compiled by Kaspar von Braun, Kristin Chiboucas, Denise Hurley-Keller Department of Astronomy, University of Michigan The Observational Mishaps Database has moved to http://www.ciw.edu/vonbraun/obs_mishaps/mishaps.html You will be moved there automatically in a few seconds. Please update your bookmarks accordingly. Thank you.
LookSmart - Directory - General Collections Of Astronomical Images General Collections of Astronomical images Find various archives and libraries of photos and videos of celestial bodies, phenomena, and missions. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us77590/us77597/us1160834/?&sn
Extractions: All Photographs by David Malin Photo-permissions, The Anglo-Australian Observatory, P. O. Box 296, Epping, NSW 2121, AUSTRALIA. (Fax +61 (0)2 372 4860, E-MAIL CC@AAOEPP.AAO.GOV.AU) OR Photolabs, The Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh EH9 3HJ, SCOTLAND (Fax +44 (0)31 667 9422) All Photographs by David Malin Shuttle Photographs Astronomical Images Antarctic Astronomy (with many more images!)
Shoji Suzuki's CCD ASTRO-IMAGING! of the Night Sky illustrated with ancient lights coming from as far as tens of millions of light years away featuring lots of astronomical images taken with a http://www.diana.dti.ne.jp/~show-g/
"Bellatrix" Astronomical Observatory Here you will find a lot of astronomical images, services and information about our activities. Other astronomical images by Gianluca Masi. http://www.bellatrixobservatory.org/
Extractions: Welcome to the site of the "Bellatrix" Astronomical Observatory , managed by Gianluca Masi note about the author ). Here you will find a lot of astronomical images, services and information about our activities. Very remarkable is the Hale-Bopp image gallery. The observatory is also the Italian station of the Center for Backyard Astrophysics (Columbia University, New York - USA), a network of telescopes dedicated to cataclysmic variable stars' photometry. Also, the observatory is member of the VSNET Collaboration Team (Kyoto University, Japan), mainly related to cataclysmic variables. Your
Gallery Of Astronomical Images Image Gallery. Some images past and present. M105. I ll post my latest images here and leave links to old images below. M105 left, NGC3371 http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/pete/gallery.htm
Extractions: NSSDC Photo Gallery Planetary Mercury Venus Earth Moon ... Comets Astronomical Objects Nebulae Galaxies and Globular Clusters Stars and Exotic Objects Indexes Galileo Hubble Space Telescope Voyager Other Sun Spacecraft About What's New? ... Other Sites You are visitor number 10477084 to this page since 01 September 1994.
Hubble Heritage Project Information Center, Gallery, Hubble Art, Recent Awards, This Month s Release Information Center Hubble Art Gallery Search. Copyright Notice. http://heritage.stsci.edu/
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