UGA Physics And Astronomy Top/Reference/education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Georgia/University_of_Georgia/Departments_and_Programs/Franklin_College_of_Arts_and_Sciences
The Sky In Your Computer - Astronomy And Informatics Freeware and shareware software relating to astronomy and Science, for all OS (PC, Mac, Linux, BeOS, Palm), and with a special section devoting to education.
MSU Physics And Astronomy Department Top/Reference/education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Michigan/Michigan_State_University/Colleges_and_Departments/College_of_Natural_Science/Departments
A&S Magazine Promotes astronomy and space interests and education in Ireland. Published by the astronomy Ireland astronomy club.
Extractions: I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your magazine. It is very informing when it comes to celestial data on all the astronomical bodies, for example, periodic comets, asteroids etc, the pictures in the magazine are always captivating especially the ones taken with the Hubble space telescope.
Extragalactic Bookmark List of resources dedicaced to extragalactic astronomy Databases, projects, education
Extractions: The LEDA database (here in Lyon) The NED database Extragalactic Cepheids Database (Lyon) Astronomy Digital Image Library (ADIL) CATS database - Astrophysical CATalogs support System A. Gubanov, St.-Petersburg MPIfR's Survey Sampler HI Multibeam Data Archive (CSIRO, Australia) The Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (Leiden Observatory) Asiago Database on Photometric Systems (Moro and Munari, Asiago) Digital Sky Survey SDSS Early Data Release 2dFGRS 100k Data Release Catalogues available at the CDS , at ADC , and at ADS HST archive browser (at ST-ECF Heinz Andernach collected catalogues Zsolt Frei's Catalogue of Images of Galaxies Reduzzi and Rampazzo Catalogue of Pairs of Galaxies (Milano, Brera)
Oil Region Astronomical Society Group of men, women and youths who share their equipment and knowledge of the stars in an effort to promote the fundamentals of astronomy and space science. Features the Oil Region Astronomical Observatory, education, calendar, and contacts.
Department Of Astronomy And The Steward Observatory Top/Reference/education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Arizona/University_of_Arizona/Departments_and_Programs/College_of_Science
SDSU Astronomy Department - Mount Laguna Observatory Top/Reference/education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/California/California_State_University/San_Diego_State_University/Departments_and_Programs/College_of_Sciences
Extractions: Faculty and Staff Joint Astronomy-Physics Colloquia John D. Schopp Lecture Series WWWeb Pages for Current Courses ... Project ASTRO Observatory Weather Conditions Observatory Facilities Virtual Tour Observatory Site Map ... Astronomical Websites Contact Information: Department of Astronomy PA-210 San Diego State University 5500 Campanile Drive San Diego, CA 92182-1221
New Fraser Valley Astronomers Society A dedicated and active astronomy club in British Columbia, which prides itself on education, telescope making, mirror making and preserving the night sky.
Extractions: Take your time visiting the site. You will find all kinds of interesting pages here! Everything from Mirror making, to Telescope making, News events updated daily, links and Educational sites for Students and Teachers. Interested in talking with others about Astronomy? Why not try our new Discussion Board Take a moment to give us your opinion on our latest survey Latest Gallery Image
Mathematics Statistics Library Home Page Top/Reference/education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/California/University_of_California/Berkeley/Libraries_and_Museums
RASC - Victoria Centre Monthly meetings, community star parties, public education, and recreational star gazing for everyone interested in astronomy.
Extractions: Advanced Search June 7, 2004 Transit of Venus Join us at the Centre of the Universe on Monday, June 7th from 8 pm to midnight for a live feed from the Paris Observatory (starting at 10:30 pm) and other fabulous programs including multimedia shows and planetarium presentations! Although this event in visible only from Europe, Africa and Eastern Canada, the Centre of the Universe will be offering a chance to experience this rare event through a live feed from the Rome Observatory For additional information contact: Cassie Holcomb for details (250) 363-8262 June 10, 2004 - Potluck BBQ - celebrate the Centre of the Universe's 3rd birthday! A BBQ will be provided with goodies grilling, so feel free to contribute your favourite side dish, salad, dessert etc. Afterwards, Cassie and Stasia will stay late to get a bit of observing in while the hill is quiet - feel free to bring up your scopes or borrow one of theirs! For additional information contact: Cassie Holcomb for details (250) 363-8262
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Astrophysical research facility located in Cambridge, Massachusetts with scientists engaged in a broad program of research in astronomy, astrophysics, earth and space sciences, and science education.
Extractions: The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) is a "research institute" of the Smithsonian Institution headquartered in Cambridge, MA, where it is joined with the Harvard College Observatory (HCO) to form the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). More than 300 scientists at the CfA are engaged in a broad program of research in astronomy, astrophysics, earth and space sciences, and science education. Because many of these research activities share Harvard and Smithsonian staff and resources, several of the "SAO" links at this website will take you to information posted on joint "CfA" pages. What's New at the CfA
Carnegie Institution Of Washington: NASA Astrobiology Institute A private, nonprofit organization engaged in basic research and advanced education in biology, astronomy, and the earth sciences. Part of the NASA Astrobiology Institute.
Extractions: SEARCH ASP SITE: Education Topics: Programs Activities Resources The Universe in ... Forums printer-friendly version by Andrew Fraknoi (Foothill College) and Ruth Freitag (Library of Congress) Version 4.4; September 2001 Table of Contents General References on Women in Astronomy A Few General References on Women in Science Specific References on 36 Women Astronomers General References on Women in Astronomy Barlow, Nadine, et al. "Women in Astronomy: A Sampler of Issues and Ideas" in Mercury, Jan/Feb. 1992, p. 27. Ten pages of quotes, commentary, problems, and solutions. Mercury , Jan/Feb. 1992, p. 4. A good review of the roles women played. Drake, H. "Women Astronomers" in Popular Astronomy Hoffleit, Dorrit
Extractions: stargazing is an activity that everyone under a clear sky can participate in. Stargazing is for Everyone! Come and enjoy the wonderful world of stargazing! This site will provide you information on programs and activities related to stargazing, astronomy, and space science education as well as local stargazing events here in Arizona. Imagine the opportunities to use our unique programs and activities for schools, parent groups, corporate functions, community outreach programs, private parties, or fund-raisers. Use the Navigation bars at the top and bottom of each page to explore our site. What do we do? We provide daytime and evening stargazing and astronomy programs throughout all of Arizona for people of all ages. These are fun, exciting, and educational. Our programs are enjoyed by more than 75,000 students, teachers, parents and community members every year. Every program is customized for your group.
Physics And Astronomy Program The School of Physics also runs three very popular General education courses relatingto astronomy; GENS4001 (astronomy), GENS4003 (Cosmology) and GENS4014
Extractions: Physics and Astronomy Program An astrophysicist studies the nature and behaviour of our Universe, using all the techniques of modern physical sciences. Tackling something as big as the Universe requires the combined talents of a wide range of people, each skilled in a particular area. For example, those with a mathematical bent may apply general relativity to the study of black holes or cosmology. Those who enjoy computing may specialise in computer control of telescopes or numerical analysis of astronomical data. Others may build new instruments at the forefront of technology or may use existing ones to discover new facts about stars, nebulae and galaxies, and how they form or evolve. How Does One Become an Astrophysicist?