Sky And Telescope Geared towards amateur astronomers. Astronomy news, sky charts, product reviews, indepth articles on the science of astronomy, and weekly sky observing guides.
Kennedy Space Center's Amateur Astronomers' Dedicated to the Understanding and Knowledge of the Heavens God Made for Us to Observe! . Sharing Astronomy with Friends . Cheifland Aurora.
Night Sky Observer Pages are aimed at amateur astronomers and space buffs.
Extractions: and welcome to the Night Sky Observer (NSO) pages which are aimed at anyone interested in astronomy or space. Pages are updated on a regular basis (especially news) with the changes being listed below. News items will be kept online for as long as possible (until space runs out) before being deleted. Recent Changes and Updates 24-May-2004 News 05-May-2004 Online Shop 24-May-2004 Skynotes 18-Feb-2003 Moon page 08-Oct-2003 Articles 02-Oct-2002 Software 16-Apr-2002 Links 01-Aug-2002 Mars page 19-Feb-2003 Equipment 03-Aug-2003 Weather Book of the Week Epic Moon: A History of Lunar Exploration in the Age of the Telescope How can I say more than perfect? Epitome, quintessence, nonpareil? Within my lifetime there have been only a handful of guysone of them my former boss, Joseph Ashbrookwho could have pulled off such a brilliant, accurate synthesis of the history of lunar mapping and the concomitant search for change, something that would make the Moon worth watching. Here, with William Sheehan and Thomas Dobbins, we get two of the savants at once! From Galileo to Clementine, if you want to know how the Moon was unmasked, it's all here and delivered in captivating, beautiful prose.
"Confederation Of Indian Amateur Astronomers" The Confederation of Indian Amateur astronomers,Pune. (R.No. Amateur astronomers Association of Delhi for Pictures and details of variuos astronomy topics.
Extractions: Important Astronomers, their Instruments and Discoveries by Paul M. Rybski Part 1 Pre-telescopic Instruments, their Inventors and Users Babylonian observations (1500 BC?) recorded solar and lunar eclipses as well as planetary observations using merkets and waterclocks. Macedonian philosopher Thales of Miletus (575-532 BC?) predicted a solar eclipse using Babylonian observations and mapped out constellations to aid navigation. Alexandrian astronomer Eratosthenes (260-201 BC?) measured the circumference of the Earth using comparative shadow rod measurements in two places and knowledge of the distance between them. Alexandrian astronomers Aristillus and Timocharis charted the positions of the brighter stars (284 BC), producing the first star catalog using a Cross-staff. Aristarchus of Samos (250 BC?) calculated the distance of the Sun from the Earth and the Moon and Sun's sizes relative to Earth by observations during solar and lunar eclipses and at first quarter Moon using a Cross-staff. Eratosthenes (204 BC) catalogued more than seven hundred stars using one, and possibly two, armillary spheres. - Topics An overview of Muslim astronomers. The work of the Muslim astronomers who lived between 9th and 12th centuries was both innovative and accurate.
Back Bay Amateur Astronomers A page by a group of astronomers fighting the problem.
PIEDMONT AMATEUR ASTRONOMERS Astrophotos. Observing Sites. EMail Directory. About Our Club. Clear Sky Forcast. Click for info about the club. Photos Astronomy Club Events. Astronomy Links.
Bruce Johnston Computing commercial DOS, Win3.1 CCD image processing software for amateur astronomers. Handles most file and camera formats. Allows tricolor imaging and 'track-and-stack as well'.
Extractions: A guided tour of ..... "The SuperFix package" of Image Processing software. If you are beginning your tour for the first time, begin it here. Some of the information on M ega F ix is presented, assuming you are familiar with "The SuperFix Package"....... to keep you from having to put up with a lot of duplicated information. So go visit...... Then come on back and continue your tour with M ega F ix "M ega F ix Advanced Image Processing software. NOTICE!!
Extractions: Web3D is a more inclusive term which has come to include a number of technologies, of which VRML is just one. VRML itself is an acronym for "Virtual Reality Modeling Language". It is the International Standard (ISO/IEC 14772) file format for describing interactive 3D multimedia on the Internet. The first release of the VRML 1.0 specification was created by Silicon Graphics, Inc. and based on the Open Inventor file format. The second release of VRML added significantly more interactive capabilities. It was primarily designed by the Silicon Graphics VRML team with contributions from Sony Research, Mitra, and many others. VRML 2.0 was reviewed by the VRML moderated email discussion group and later adopted and endorsed by many companies and individuals. In December 1997, VRML97 replaced VRML 2.0 and was formally released as International Standard ISO/IEC 14772.
Sunspots Brief description on what sunspots, along with drawings by various astronomers and space analysts.
Extractions: Johannes Kepler wished to observe a predicted transit of Mercury across the Sun's disk, and on the appointed day he projected the Sun's image through a small hole in the roof of his house (a camera obscura ) and did indeed observe a black spot that he interpreted to be Mercury. Had he been able to follow up on his observation the next day, he would still have seen the spot. Since he knew that Mercury takes only a few hours to cross the Sun's disk during one of its infrequent transits, he would have known that what he observed could not have been Mercury. The scientific study of sunspots in the West began after the telescope had been brought into astronomy in 1609. Although there is still some controversy about when and by whom sunspots were first observed through the telescope, we can say that Galileo and Thomas Harriot were the first, around the end of 1610; that Johannes and David Fabricius and Christoph Scheiner first observed them in March 1611, and that Johannes Fabricius was the first to publish on them. His book, De Maculis in Sole Observatis ("On the Spots Observed in the Sun") appeared in the autumn of 1611, but it remained unknown to the other observers for some time.
Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Maintains the development of astronomy and reinforces scientific contacts between astronomers of the former Soviet Union and their colleagues all over the world. Includes summaries of previous meetings and activities in which the group participates. In Russian and English.
Umpqua Amateur Astronomers Of Douglas County, Oregon UMPQUA AMATEUR astronomers. Information about the Umpqua Amateur astronomers. MEETINGS at DFPA at 1758 NE Airport Rd. Umpqua Amateur astronomers Events.
Extractions: UMPQUA AMATEUR ASTRONOMERS Information about the Umpqua Amateur Astronomers MEETINGS at DFPA at 1758 NE Airport Rd. -entrance from Channon St. Umpqua Amateur Astronomers Events U.A.A. Photo Gallery Astronomy Club Newsletters Interesting Links to Astronomy Topics: Astronomy Magazines or Journals Sky and Telescope Astronomy Magazine Regulus Astronomy Clubs or Groups Oregon Eugene Astronomical Society Rose City of Portland
Sky Time Inc. Offers the unique Solunar Watch with numerous features for astronomers.
Extractions: As our world becomes smaller, so many more of us are traveling, conducting business and communicating with friends and relatives all over the globe. So we developed the Solunar watch. Its swiss quartz analog movement tells 12hr and 24 hr time in multiple time zones. - With over 500 cities around the world available on your wrist.
Extractions: CNN Headline News writer (CNN) A group of astronomers has come up with a plan they claim will save life on Earth from an early demise. All it takes, they say, is moving the planet into a different orbit. Their deadline is about 3.5 billion years in the future. At that time, the scientists say, the sun will be 40 percent brighter than it is today and the Earth will be too hot to sustain life. Even looking just a billion years down the road, the increased brightness of the sun would cause a "moist greenhouse" effect which will have a catastrophic impact on the planet. MESSAGE BOARD NASA projects But what if the Earth could be moved farther away from the sun before it gets too hot for human life? Researchers Don Korycansky of the University of California-Santa Cruz, Gregory Laughlin of NASA, and Fred Adams of the University of Michigan say the idea of changing the Earth's orbit is almost, "alarmingly feasible."
Scottish Astronomers Group The home page for the Scottish astronomers Group has moved. Please stand by to be transferred to the new site http//www.elec.gla
Back Bay Amateur Astronomers Founded in 1978 and based in Virginia Beach, Virginia, the BBAA are dedicated to "Bringing Astronomy
Extractions: Click here New 5/9/2004 Cliff Hedgepeth describes the first "Cloverwatch". George Reynolds reports on Astronomy Day 2004 at the Princess Anne Library. Click on Event reports And read Wendy Walker's article about Astronomy day events in Franklin Virginia, click on Spotlight New TWO GREAT OBSERVING ARTICLES: Some Winter Observing" by Ron Robisch. And "A New Nebula in Orion" by Kent Blackwell Click on Observing Reports Thank you!