Kluwer Academic Publishers - Plant Molecular Biology This international journal on fundamental research provides a rapid publication outlet for all types of research concerned and connected with plant molecular biology, biochemistry and molecular genetics. http://kapis.www.wkap.nl/jrnltoc.htm/0167-4412
School Of Biological Sciences@ UC A diverse group with staff having research interests in subjects such as biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, cellular biology, microbial genetics and microbiology. Information on papers, career paths, facilities, news and events, plus online handbooks. http://www.pams.canterbury.ac.nz/
Centre For Research Into Plant Science Details staff, publications and research into drought stress, free radicals, molecular genetics, auxin signalling and downy mildews. http://www.uwe.ac.uk/fas/crips/
International Journal Of Plant Sciences Research that seeks the answers to questions in all areas of the plant sciences. Topics covered include plantmicrobe interactions, development, structure and systematics, molecular biology, genetics and evolution, ecology, paleobotany, and physiology and ecophysiology. Founded in 1875 by John M. Coulter. Electronic edition. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/IJPS/home.html
U Of Guelph Corn Breeding And Genetics Homepage Information about research, publications, corn performance trials, germplasm and links. Provided by the University of Guelph. http://www.plant.uoguelph.ca/research/corn_breeding/
Extractions: Corn Breeding and Genetics Homepage Welcome to the University of Guelph's Corn Breeding and Genetics homepage. The corn breeding and genetics program is part of the Department of Plant Agriculture within the Ontario Agricultural College (OAC) . Funding support for the program comes from the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training (MET), the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) , provincial and national granting agencies, and from the Ontario Corn Producers' Association (OCPA)
Graduate Programme In Biology The research interests of the faculty are concentrated in Animal Biology / Physiology, Cell Biology, Ecology and Population Biology, Evolutionary Biology, genetics, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, and plant Physiology. http://www.biol.yorku.ca/grad/
Extractions: Research Areas: Animal Biology/ Physiology, Cell-Signaling, Molecular Biology ') document.write(''+description[ran]+'') //> Graduate studies in Biology at York University are firmly based in research. Those courses which are required are designed to enhance the awareness of current research in various fields of biology or to bring students' knowledge to the latest state of the art in their area of interest. The research interests of the faculty are concentrated in a limited number of areas, namely:
Kluwer Academic Publishers - Biotechnology Letters Articles related to applications of biological reactions affected by microbial, plant or animal cells and biocatalysts derived from them. The journal includes all relevant aspects of genetics and cell biochemistry, of process and reactor design, of pre and post-treatment steps, and of manufacturing or service operations. Available online. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0141-5492
Ô«¤ Conducts research on breeding, cultivation and postharvest technology, genetics and breeding, and flowering and plant physiology. http://flower.naro.affrc.go.jp/English/index-e.html
Molecular Genetics And Cell Biology The Department currently represents research on a wide range of biological problems and systems. Its internationally recognized strengths include invertebrate and vertebrate development, plant molecular biology, cellular structure and function, and yeast genetics. http://mgcb.bsd.uchicago.edu/
Extractions: This site is designed to be viewed with a browser capable of supporting frames and JavaScript . You are reading this because there is a problem, which could be some combination of the following: If you believe that your browser meets the requirements, please try reloading this page. Otherwise, please upgrade your browser and/or enable JavaScript. If that is not possible, you can use this alternate version of the site, which may not provide you with access to all resources. The site is accessible by visiting the site home page or using the site navigation links . You can also use the general navigation links for search, directory, and University resources.
Plant Pathology @ UGA Emphasizes undergraduate and graduate education in the classroom, laboratory and field. Students receive training in bacteriology, epidemiology, genetics, hostpathogen interactions, mycology, nematology, molecular biology, pest management, and virology. http://www.plant.uga.edu/
Extractions: Looking for an exciting career in the plant sciences? The Department of Plant Pathology offers extraordinary possibilities to gain experience in the variety of approaches used to investigate the nature and management of plant disease. Since the days of our first graduate student, Calvin C. Murray working with the founder of our Department, Julian H. Miller (pictured left), programs offered by the Department have prepared students for rewarding careers in every aspect of the discipline of plant pathology. The Department has a large faculty with diverse expertise building on strong traditions of scholarship in teaching, research and extension. There are excellent facilities at all three campuses (Athens, Griffin and Tifton) for work ranging from lab-based investigations of host-pathogen interaction to field investigations of diseases in apple, corn, cotton, cowpea, ornamentals, peaches, peanut, pecan, small fruits, small grains, soybean, tobacco, turf and vegetables. The Department emphasizes quality undergraduate and graduate education in the classroom, laboratory and field. Students receive excellent training in bacteriology, epidemiology, genetics, host-pathogen interactions, mycology, nematology, molecular biology, pest management, and virology. Many faculty include basic and applied aspects to their program so the student is exposed to the many facets of plant pathology. The faculty maintains high standards and works closely with students to provide maximum individual attention. Students must be highly motivated and committed to understanding how basic biological principles are applied to the science of plant pathology so disease can be understood and managed. In return, students can make significant contributions to agriculture, industry, science and society.
Molecular Biology Today Primary research papers, short communications, and review articles, including plant and animal systems, human genetics, molecular microbiology, virology, and biotechnology. Contents and abstracts available back to 2000, but subscription required for full text, from Horizon Press. http://molbio.net/
Extractions: Molecular Biology Today (MBT) publishes original research papers, short communications, and high quality critical review articles, in English, in all areas of molecular biology, including plant and animal systems, biomedical science, human genetics, molecular microbiology, genomics, health science, and biotechnology. In addition MBT publishes articles describing innovative technology of general interest to molecular biologists and biomedical scientists, and publishes a correspondence section as a forum for comment and opinion on any published topic. MBT is published in both print and online format. Original research articles are selected on the basis of validity of experimental data, importance of the results and conclusions, originality of the research, and the overall contribution to molecular biology and biomedical science. Reviews are selected on the basis of topicality, originality, objectivity, and relevance to a broad readership encompassing research scientists, biomedical scientists, and health professionals. All manuscripts undergo a strict peer-review process and are reviewed by a member of the editorial board and at least one other appropriate individual.
Kamoun Lab Web Page Research on the molecular genetics of interactions between plants and oomycete plant pathogens, particularly those of the genus Phytophthora. Contains publications list, conference posters, lecture notes, and related links. Ohio State University, U.S. http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/phytophthora/
Kluwer Academic Publishers - Biologia Plantarum Biologia plantarum, an international journal of experimental botany, publishes in English original research reports, review articles and brief communications in all fields of plant physiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, biotechnology, genetics, structural botany and pathology. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0006-3134
CIMB Online Journal Review papers, since 1999, in all areas of molecular biology, including plant and animal systems, human genetics, molecular microbiology, virology, and biotechnology. Free access to contents and abstracts, but full text is for subscribers in US$ or UK£ to Horizon Scientific Press. http://www.horizonpress.com/cimb/online.html
Extractions: Free access to the Table of Contents and Abstracts. Access to the full text document is also available . For details click here Table of Contents for Volume 1 (1999) Table of Contents for Volume 2 (2000) Table of Contents for Volume 3 (2001) Table of Contents for Volume 4 (2002) Table of Contents for Volume 5 (2003) Table of Contents for Volume 6 (2004) Home Page
Donach Plant Breeding Academy Education, comment and research in plant breeding based on natural genetics, including quantitative population genetics. http://www.donach.ac.nz/
Extractions: Current Commentary: Discard the Blinkers Publctns Comment 25 February 2004 Commentary Discard the Blinkers It is necessary still to focus on the inheritance of phenotypes, because sexual gene exchange and the observed properties of whole organisms remain the central issues. This is true for selection, evolution, ecology, and human families. Such natural genetics ( ie.
Petr Karlovsky Molecular Phytopathology Based in the Department of Molecular Phytopathology, University of Goettingen, Germany. Study plant pathogenic fungi using tools of molecular genetics and biochemistry, focusing on secondary metabolites, mycotoxins, and their biological detoxification. http://www.gwdg.de/~instphyt/karlovsky/index.html
Extractions: Home Institute Home University We study plant pathogenic fungi and their interactions with host plants and with competing and antagonistic microbes using tools of molecular genetics and biochemistry. The primary focus of our research are secondary metabolites. Some fungal metabolites are involved in pathogenicity as virulence factors or suppressors of plant defense reaction, others play a role in interactions with competing or mycoparasitic fungi . Because of their function in pathogenicity (virulence factors) and toxic effects they exert on humans and animals (mycotoxins), secondary metabolites of phytopathogenic fungi affect both yield and quality in plant production. NEW: Pictures from the lab Group members Lab Teaching Research Master's projects offered Molecular Phytopathology
MendelWeb Educational resource for teachers and students interested in the origins of classical genetics, introductory data analysis, elementary plant science, and the history and literature of science. http://www.netspace.org/MendelWeb/
Initial Genetic Analysis A molecular and genetic analysis of plant organogenesis using the ovules of arabidopsis as the model system. Includes early and current research, and a bibliography. http://www.unizh.ch/botinst/Cyto_Website/schneitzLab/Research/initialGeneticAnal
Extractions: References An initial genetic dissection of ovule development In a second step we wanted to approach organogenesis at the functional level. One way to do this is to dissect genetically the process and to study systematically a large number of mutants. Hence, in order to identify the key regulatory factors involved in the above outlined developmental processes we have performed a large-scale single-line EMS mutagenesis to screen for sterile plants with defects in ovule development ( Schneitz et al, 1997 ). A total of 458 independent mutants were isolated. A few of these mutants have been independently isolated in other laboratories as well (Baker et al, 1997; Elliott et al, 1996; Gaiser et al, 1995; Klucher et al, 1996; Modrusan et al, 1994; Robinson-Beers et al, 1992). An initial analysis identified several groups of genes that control different aspects of ovule ontogenesis. Some appear to be important for early processes. For example, the
Trinity College Biology Department Courses emphasizing the molecular nature of living systems as well as courses treating cell biology, genetics, development, plant and animal morphology and function, ecology, field studies, and evolution. http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/biol/
Extractions: The Biology Major at Trinity College Course Descriptions Contact Information Faculty Listing Resources for Students General Resources Information for the Science Poster Symposium Biology (and other) Teaching Resources Instructions for completion of Honors thesis Biological Diversity links ... Online Science Magazines Last revised: - 9/03