Hawaii Division Of Forestry And Wildlife Urban and Community forestry Program Volunteer/ Technical Coordinator. To administer the federal Urban and Community forestry Program for the State of Hawaii. http://www.dofaw.net/
Timbergreen 2000 Information on using green techniques to harvest and process trees into various products. http://www.timbergreenforestry.com
Extractions: As forest owners, our family here at Timbergreen Farm encourages other forest owners to experience; the satisfaction of seeing your forest become more natural and productive every year, harvesting your timber with Arthroscopic precision, sawing the logs into lumber, drying your boards with free solar power, and selling a variety of valuable products direct to friendly & familiar customers. Controlling the process from forest to finished floor is quite rewarding, but our advice is "Keep it simple" and "be certain to follow through the whole process".
Extractions: @import url(http://sref.info/plone.css?skin=); @import url(http://sref.info/ploneCustom.css); General Information Who We Are Regional Programs Master Tree Farmer I Master Tree Farmer II Master Wildlifer Forest Certification ... Forestry Index Web Projects Forest Encyclopedia RNGR Urban Forestry South Water Quality BMPs ... Wildfire Programs SREF Sponsors Southern Regional Extension Forestry goals include education and collaboration. We believe education is the key to sound natural resource management and that collaboration is the way to do it. Please let us know how we can assist you. Virginia Tech forest products professor assists international research center Tom Hammett of Blacksburg, associate professor of forest products marketing, is serving as the new scientific liaison officer to CIFOR. CSREES launches a new Agency Web Site CSREES advances knowledge for agriculture, the environment, human health and well-being, and communities through national program leadership and federal assistance. Their new and improved website can be found at www.csrees.usda.gov. Guidebook to Forest Management Certification Released by Pinchot Institute The overall purpose of the guidebook is to inform private forest landowners about certification, to help them decide if it is a path worth pursuing, and to highlight the steps and considerations involved in the process of becoming certified.
Extractions: Search for: The NCFA's 2004 Annual Meeting will take place on October 6-8, 2004 at the Grandover Resort in Greensboro... Click here for a review of last year's meeting. NCFA Members will host members of the General Assembly for a luncheon starting at 11:30 a.m. as part of Forestry Day on June 8, 2004. Click here for a registration form The 2004 Sustainable Forestry Teachers' Tours will take place in New Bern and Asheville in June To learn more about the Tours, click here. NCFA and the North Carolina Industries of the Future Program have released "The State of Our Forest Products Industry" report... Click here for an electronic version of this publication. Hurricane Isabel: The NCFA Reminds Landowners to Start Planning for the Future by Assessing the Damage to their Timber Click here for more information. The Carolina Log'n Demo enjoys record crowd in Vass... Click here for a review of the show. NCFA Offers Hunting Lease Liability Insurance to Landowners and Hunt Clubs..
Extractions: The Woodland Stewardship Company The Woodland Stewardship Company Ltd UK, Forest & Woodland Surveys, Tree Surveys, Forest Mapping, Tree Mapping, Tree Inspections, Development Site Surveys, GIS Mapping, GIS Data Capture, Forest Management, Woodland Management, Woodland Grants Advice (WGS), FSC UKWAS "SmartWood" Certification, Forest Property Sales, Survey Products inc OmniSTAR GPS & DGPS, Laser Technology Rangefinders, Husky Fex21 Palm-tops, PocketGIS Software and more.... Forest Sales We provide electronic data capture, GIS mapping solutions and surveys for Forestry and Arboriculture using OmniSTAR Differential Global Positioning Systems (sub-metre accuracy), laser rangefinders, Husky hand-helds and PocketGIS software. Our clients include; Forest Enterprise Local Authorities (Planning and Parks Departments) Forestry Consultants Property Developers Forest Management Companies and NGOs Woodland Owners Forestry Commission (Forest Research) Buyers and vendors of forest property Landscape Designers and Land Surveyors Contact:
Institute For Commercial Forestry Research sustainable plantation silviculture. The Institute for Commercial forestry Research (ICFR) was inaugurated on 13 September 1984. It evolved http://www.icfrnet.unp.ac.za/
Extractions: Working Group Mission : To contribute to the global competitiveness of our sponsors through excellence in technical innovation in sustainable plantation silviculture The Institute for Commercial Forestry Research (ICFR) was inaugurated on 13 September 1984. It evolved from the Wattle Research Institute (WRI) which was established in 1947. The ICFR is presently the only privately funded forestry research institute in South Africa and is funded by direct contributions from companies and organisations in the forestry industry. The ICFR is located on the Pietermaritzburg campus of the University of KwaZulu-Natal. The research undertaken by the ICFR concentrates on all the applied aspects of commercial timber growing and is conducted in close collaboration with the growers. In setting research priorities the ICFR accommodates recommendations from its Board of Control, a Management Committee and three Steering Committees. It is through these mechanisms and the active participation of the Support Groups of the ICFR that the research activities are kept relevant for both present and anticipated problems in the industry. Please send any comments to the WebMaster
Sustainable Management Of Beech Forests In New Zealand; Beech Index Page Describes the controversy about conservationenhancing sustainable forest management in the beech and rimu forests of West Coast New Zealand. Contains prime scientific papers, letters to politicians, Press Releases, links to other sites. http://homepages.caverock.net.nz/~bj/beech/
Extractions: NEW: I have recently completed writing a book on the closely related topic of the sustainable management of two small rimu forests in South Westland, Okarito and Saltwater, near the little settlement of Okarito. After ten years of very succesful and world-renowned operation, his work was stopped by the NZ Labour government.
TreeLink : The Community Forestry Resource Rate your local power company`s support of community forestry High Medium Low None. Poplar and cottonwood trees can breakdown carcinogenic http://www.treelink.org/
Www.forestry.ky.gov This JavaScript determines what browser you are using and shows you the appropriate look and feel. Division of forestry Homepage. KYDivision of forestry. http://www.forestry.ky.gov/
Extractions: Kentucky forests have played as much a part in the state's history as did Daniel Boone and other early pioneers. The forests were home to wild game that existed in abundance, and their timber provided materials for building homes and furniture. There were 25 million acres of forestland in Kentucky when the settlers began establishing homesteads. In 1912, the Kentucky legislature formed the Kentucky Division of Forestry. The initial emphasis for the division was to reduce the severity of wildfires in the state. Now the division's expanded mission is to protect and enhance the forest resources of the Commonwealth through a public informed of the environmental and economic importance of these resources. Today, Kentucky has 12.7 million acres (one-half the state) of forestland, of which 93 percent is privately owned. This forestland provides multiple benefits to the citizens of the Commonwealth, including timber production, wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities, quality water and aesthetic beauty. The Commonwealth is becoming more populated, our economic base continues to change, and our cultural values are shifting, making our relationship with the forest increasingly complex. More demands are being placed on private forestlands to provide a multitude of environmental and economic benefits. Biodiversity and ecosystem management are becoming important considerations when managing forestland. Along with increasing demands comes the need to practice good forest stewardship to ensure the sustainability of Kentucky's forest resources for future generations.
Extractions: about international forestry issues? Visit the FORESTRY ISSUES feature on the website of the CIDA Forestry Advisers Network (CFAN) for a Canadian perspective on issues of global importance like an international forest convention, tropical deforestation, world forest organization, tropical forests and climate change, and much more. http://www.rcfa-cfan.org
Forestry Investment (Forest Enterprises Ltd) forestry investment company which aims to create wealth for investors via New Zealand Radiata pine plantation forestry. http://www.forestenterprises.co.nz
Extractions: home contact us search glossary The October 2003 Investor Newsletter is now available to read here . Business Director, Steve Wilton comments on the recent criticism of forestry investment. Read the Autumn 2004 issue of the New Zealand Forest Owners Association Bulletin here Forest Enterprises currently has investment opportunities available in new and existing forests to suit most budgets. Click here to see what we have available.
Department Of Forestry - Virginia Tech Department of forestry. University Exemplary Department. Prof. Telephone (1 540) 2315483 FAX (1 540) 231-3698 TDD (1 540) 231-3749 E-Mail forestry@vt.edu. http://www.fw.vt.edu/forestry/
Low Impact Forestry A project by Conservation Council NB and the Federation of Woodlot Owners to extend low impact forestry onto Crown lands and private woodlots. Lists definition, the environment, photo gallery, contact information and links. http://www.lowimpactforestry.com/
FTBC Home Page Index.html Conducts various forestry related surveys, research, and technical guidance, and generally promotes Japan's forestry industry. http://ftbc.job.affrc.go.jp/html/english/
Florida Forest Protection Page For information on Incident Qualifications Cards or Resource Deployments, contact your local Division of forestry Office or the Forest Protection Bureau. http://flame.fl-dof.com/
Extractions: Where do you want to go? Open Burning Laws/Rules Volunteer Fire Assistance Grants Roscommon Equipment Center Fire Prevention Page Florida Airspace Coordination 1998 Wildfire Reports Arson Alert!! Firewise Communities ARCHIVE Public Services Fire Incident Mapping Tool Smoke Screening Tool Letters to Smokey ... Download Software Forest Protection Activities in Florida The Forest Protection Bureau has developed programs, software, equipment, and highly trained firefighters and foresters. All these things help protect one of the finest forest systems in the United States. E-Mail us if you need more information. For information on Incident Qualifications Cards or Resource Deployments, contact your local Division of Forestry Office or the Forest Protection Bureau Southeastern Risk Assessment Effort. Find out what is going on and who is doing it!! 2004 Wildland Fire Training Conference DOF Brochures Concerning Fire! Fire In Florida's Ecosystems Read more about Florida's Education Program , for Grades 4-8. Teachers can sign up for workshops and learn more about the program!
Extractions: The Association of BC Forest Professionals (established 1947) ensures that British Columbias forests are in good hands. We register and regulate professional foresters and forest technologists under authority of the Foresters Act . We have more than 4,300 members, including registered professional foresters, registered forest technologists and those working towards registration in BC. We are the largest professional forestry association in Canada and the first to include forest technologists. We are currently in the process of modifying our web site to improve navigation and to meet the needs of our new members. We will post information as soon as it is made available. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.